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Leave balance tab in leaves section is visible only for admins. This tab list downs leave balances of all employees for the current year for existing leave policies. Let us see how the leave balance calculation works and how to look for leave balance data for of employees enrolled in different leave policies. 

  • Click on leaves from left navigation menu.

  • Click on leave balance tab.

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  • By default system selects the leave policy that is marked as default & all other policies can be navigated through the drop-down list. If there is no default policy, leave balance data of the first policy available in the drop-down will be displayed.

  • Leave balances for all employees enrolled in the selected policy are reflected for the current year. 

Upcoming feature

Currently, leave balances are shown only for the current year of the selected policy, going further you will be able to see past & future year's leave balance records by switching to different calendar years from date filter.

Leave balance calculation

Leave balance is calculated based on different statuses of leave requests & leave adjustments. Let us see an example here:

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In the above image, the table shows a total balance of each leave type for an individual employee. Let us take an example of sick leave (highlighted).

12 casual leaves were accrued on renewal. 5 were credited & 3 were debited as adjustments, 2 were availed by the employee, there are no carry forwarded leaves yet and 2 are scheduled. After all calculations, the balance of casual leaves is shown as 10. How does system calculate this balance? 

Accrued leaves (12) + Credited leaves (5) - Debited leaves (3) - Availed leaves (2) + Carried forward (0) - Scheduled leaves (2) = Total leaves balance (10)

A few important things to you should know 

  • Scheduled leaves in leave balance table are applied and approved leaves of an employee at any future date in the current year.

  • These scheduled leaves

are straightforwardly deducted from
  • are straightforwardly deducted from the current balance even before they are availed. 

  • If a leave type is disabled & there are a few leave requests in applied or approved status. System cancels all such future dated leaves. Past and current dated leaves are changed to 'availed'. All these changes will happen on a daily basis on daily job run in the system.  

  • Employees cannot apply for disability leave types. Disabled leave types and their balances are not displayed on an individual's summary page. 

  • A newly added leave type is shown as not applicable to existing employees in the policy because these leaves cannot be accrued in between the calendar year. They can still apply for such leave types but the balance would go negative for these leave types that are visible only on the summary tab to the user. However, the manager will have an opportunity to approve or reject these leaves. 

  • Newly added leave types are accrued for newly enrolled employees on pro-rata basis if the pro rata is true, if pro-rata is false then all leaves are given to the employee.

    • Example - A new leave type called FMLA leave, 12 leave are to be

accrued annually
    • accrued annually. A new employee is added to this policy on 1st July and pro-rata is set to yes, the employee will get 6 leaves on a pro-rata basis. If pro-rata is set to no, the employee will get all 12 leaves irrespective of when the employee is enrolled in the policy. 

  • If the policy is deleted from the system, no policy will be applicable to any of the employees who were enrolled in it. However, such employees will not be able to apply for any leave until you add them to some other policy.

  • When employees are enrolled in any policy & if that policy is deleted, on leave balance tab you will see only final leave balances according to the previous policy. Accrued, applied, availed, credited, debited balances will be set as 0. 

  • When a user is being removed from the leave policy - all his future leave requests (for that policy) in applied/approved status are canceled automatically.

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