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Cloud only

This feature is available in ARN cloud apps (free and paid) only.

Using the new ‘Generator ’ Generator feature, you can easily generate release notes through AI by simply selecting an input Jira field. The system will read the contents of the selected field summarize or rephrase them and provide refined and meaningful release notes as an output. You can also choose the tone of your release notes.

Enable the ‘Generator’ feature

Your Jira admin shall have to enable this app setting -Allow release notes generation through AI. Admin can enable it from the ARN configurations screen that is available within the ‘Manage apps’ menu. Know more.


  • Navigate to the ARN from the relevant Project’s in-project menu

  • Click on Generator tab

What all fields & options are available in the Generator tab?

  • Action - Define whether you wish to Summarise or Rephrase the content

  • Tone - Define the tone from given options like Professional, Casual, Hunorouse

  • Maximum words - Spefify the maximum number of words of the output

  • Output language - Specify output language. Current options are - English (UK and US), French, Dutch, Polish, Spanish and Genman.

  • Input Jira issue field - Jira issue field that will provide the input to AI generatorOutput Jira issue field - Jira issue field that

  • Where to store release notes? - With this field, there are two options -

    • Use a Jira issue Field - User this option if you want to store the output in any existing Jira issue field/custom field.

      • Please note, if this option is selected, in that case, that field will be updated by suggested content from the AI generator.

    Please note that any
      • Any existing content in this field will be


Currently ARN support multiline text and single-line text Jira issue feilds /custom fields for AI-generated release notes.

  • JQL to fetch issues for which AI-assisted release notes are needed (Mandatory) - JQL to fetch issues that you want to update with the output suggested by the AI generator

  • Hide issues which have "Input Jira issue field" empty - Check this box if you wish to hide issues with no input data in the selected Jira issues field

  • Get release notes suggestions - Once all the above information is updated. click on this button to generate the suggestions.

  • If there are multiple issues listed and you wish to update selected issues or all of them you can use the below given options.

    • You can update multiple issues at the same time from the dropdown at the top or the Choice column.

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Using AI Generator

Use case (When using Jira issue/custom fields option)

Let us take a use case here. A product manager wants to Publish release notes using ARN. They have created all the necessary templates, rules & actions within ARN. In a Jira project, they have two description fields, 1st is Desciption which contains internal issue description. 2nd is the Description for Public Release notes.

In this case, they only want to write the internal description and let the AI generator update the Description for Public Release notes. So it is published in release notes where they have used the custom field Description for Public Release notes in their ARN template.

Input in the AI generator fields

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In the above image, notice different fields are selected like Action is Summarise, Tone is Professional. Maximum words are 100500. Output language is English(US). The input field is the default issue description and the output field is Description for Public Release notes, a custom field.

In Below JQL - project = Configuration_settings AbhilashPractiseProject3 AND fixVersion issuetype = 1.1Task, this JQL returned one issue from the given project and fix version.

Code Block
project = AbhilashPractiseProject3  AND issuetype = Task 

Response by AI generator

When clicked on Get release notes Suggestions, it shows the columns and results as below -

  • Key - Issue key

  • Description column - Shows original description in the issue

  • Suggessions - Shows suggestions by AI generator.

  • My Input - Allows you to add input to the AI-generated content. If you make any changes, click on ✔️ icon and save.

  • Choice - It shows below options (Same is available as dropdown when one or more issues are selected as highlighted in below image)

    • Keep existing content - Keeps the original/existing content in the output field

    • Use suggestion as it is - Uses suggested content as it is in the output field

    • Use content from my input - Uses content you have updated in the output field

Below images shows the options we used in the Choice column.

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Check above image for the reference.

One can select the choice column options one by one for all issues or in bulk from the dropdown available at the top and click on Update choices. Once updated, the selected option updates the same choice for all listed updates. Check above image.

Update Jira issues action

Once all above steps are completed, click on Update Jira issues. The system updates the content and shows a success message.

If we check the Jira issues, it shows the updated content.

Once the Jira issue field is updated with AI-powered release notes, that field then can be utilized in ARN’s template for the final release notes document to be generated.

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