Release date - 09-May-2024🎁 Enhancements Now you can disable or enable feedback labels. Once disabled, the previous feedback association of the disabled label will remain intact Disabled feedback labels will not be available for users to associate in any feedback If the label is not associated with any feedback, you can delete them
‘Parent team’ field is now brought up in the pop-up, it was listed at the bottom before Messaging related to Unit selection is now more clear for user’s better understanding Unit field now allows setting the Unit if the new team you are creating does not have any parent team
In this enhancement, we have replaced the User status filter with user segments filter We have added three new default segments called Active users, Inactive users and All users to support user status-based chart creation. Along with default segments now you can also use custom segments to create charts
This change now brings more flexibility for chart creation as you can pull the relevant user data based on the segments you have created. This change allows you to create charts more dynamically instead of just selecting active, inactive, and all users like before
Now you can disable or enable objective labels. Once disabled, the previous objective association of the disabled label will remain intact Disabled objective labels will not be available for users to associate with any objectives further If the label is not associated with any objective, you can delete them If the label is associated with one or more objectives then you can only disable them to prevent its use
🐞 Bugs Abandoned objectives weights should not be editable, however, the system was allowing to edit them and showed progress impact on parent objectives when weights are non-zero. This issue has been fixed and we have done some UI changes and message corrections so users understand the function correctly.
Fixed some UI issues of the error messaging displayed on the User section of form distribution. Error messages were not displayed properly on user import in the form distribution, now this issue is fixed
When a team owns one or more objectives, user cannot move the team from one Unit to another For a better understanding of users, we have improved error messaging messaging when user tries to execute above scenario