Sample responses JSON Response
Code Block |
{ "id": 43513, "key": "OBJ-2056", "title": "Reduce number of leaked bugs in production", "description": "", "objectiveCycle": { "id": 590, "name": "January to March 2023" }, "level": { "id": 0, "name": "Individual" }, "owner": { "upRaiseInfo": { "id": 5857, "ownerDesignation": { "id": 91, "name": "Associate Consultant -a" }, "ownerTeams": [ { "id": 305, "name": "sales" }, { "id": 976, "name": "Operations" }, { "id": 1330, "name": "Sales-001" }, { "id": 1331, "name": "Sales-002" }, { "id": 937, "name": "team name " }, { "id": 1297, "name": "30/10-01" }, { "id": 311, "name": "team10" }, { "id": 370, "name": "Business Development " }, { "id": 958, "name": "New business - 1" }, { "id": 1271, "name": "Quality Analysis" }, { "id": 1294, "name": "test shweta" } ] }, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5fb4a9df0dd553006f342981" }, "startDate": "01/01/23", "dueDate": "31/03/23", "unit": { "id": 304, "name": "GR-01" }, "status": { "id": 10, "name": "READY FOR GRADING" }, "progress": { "percent": 0, "confidenceStatus": { "id": 550, "name": "NOT APPLICABLE" } }, "visibility": { "type": "All users" }, "creator": { "id": 5857, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5fb4a9df0dd553006f342981" }, "created": "22/03/24 10:27 AM", "modifiedBy": { "id": 5857, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5fb4a9df0dd553006f342981" }, "modified": "22/03/24 10:29 AM", "keyResults": [ { "id": 29365, "key": "KR-4761", "type": { "id": 0, "name": "Metric" }, "title": "reduce upraise bugs ", "description": "", "keyResultOwner": { "upRaiseInfo": { "id": 5857, "ownerDesignation": { "id": 91, "name": "Associate Consultant -a" }, "ownerTeams": [ { "id": 305, "name": "sales" }, { "id": 976, "name": "Operations" }, { "id": 1330, "name": "Sales-001" }, { "id": 1331, "name": "Sales-002" }, { "id": 937, "name": "team name " }, { "id": 1297, "name": "30/10-01" }, { "id": 311, "name": "team10" }, { "id": 370, "name": "Business Development " }, { "id": 958, "name": "New business - 1" }, { "id": 1271, "name": "Quality Analysis" }, { "id": 1294, "name": "test shweta" } ] }, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5fb4a9df0dd553006f342981" }, "startDate": "01/01/23", "dueDate": "31/03/23", "weightage": 40, "behavior": { "id": 1, "name": "Increase/Decrease" }, "originalValue": 10, "targetValue": 0, "currentValue": 10, "progress": { "percent": 0, "confidenceStatus": { "id": 550, "name": "NOT APPLICABLE" } }, "orderIndex": 0, "lastPunchedIn": "", "created": "22/03/24 10:29 AM", "modified": "22/03/24 10:29 AM", "isAbandoned": false, "isArchived": false } ], "attachments": [ { "id": 6108, "created": "22/03/24 10:29 AM", "fileName": "response.txt", "mimeType": "text/plain", "size": 2366, "createdBy": { "upRaiseInfo": { "id": 5857, "ownerDesignation": { "id": 91, "name": "Associate Consultant -a" } }, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5fb4a9df0dd553006f342981" }, "attachmentFileApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/attachment/6108" } ], "alignments": { "contributesTo": [ { "id": 6670, "created": "22/03/24 10:29 AM", "sourceObject": { "id": 38313, "key": "OBJ-810", "objectiveApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/objective/38313" }, "weightage": 60 } ] }, "lastPunchedIn": "", "dateTimeFormat": "dd/MM/yy hh:mm a", "dateFormat": "dd/MM/yy", "customFields": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Budget allocation status", "type": "Text field (multiple line)", "textValue": "" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Budget allocation", "type": "Numeric field", "numberValue": "" }, { "id": 301, "name": "Sample custom field", "type": "User picker (multiple select)", "userValues": [] }, { "id": 23, "name": "Department head", "type": "Text field (single line)", "textValue": "" } ], "isArchived": false, "watchers": [ { "upRaiseInfo": { "id": 5857, "ownerDesignation": { "id": 91, "name": "Associate Consultant -a" } }, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5fb4a9df0dd553006f342981" } ] } |
Response parameters details
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
Parameters related to objective | ||||
id | Number | Objective id in UpRaise | 1151, 26272, etc. | |
key | String | UpRaise objective key | obj-12, Obj-126, etc. | |
title | String | Objective title |
| |
description | String | Objective description | This objectives aims to reduce manual efforts | |
objectiveCycle | Object | This contains all details of objective cycle details |
| |
objectiveCycle | id | Number | Objective cycle id in UpRaise | 2024, 2272, etc. |
objectiveCycle | name | String | Objective cycle name |
level | Object | This object contains details of objective level |
| |
level | id | Number | Id of the objective level | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
level | name | Name of the objective level |
| |
team | Object | This object containt all details of the team that owns the current objective. This is applicable when objective level is Team level/ level based on Team type |
| |
team | id | Number | Team id of the team that owns the current objective. | 917, 7901, etc. |
team | name | String | Team name of the team that owns the current objective. | Sales, Operations, Support, HR, etc. |
owner | Object | This object contains details of the objective owner |
| |
owner | upRaiseInfo | String | This paramenter contains user’s information |
upRaiseInfo | id | number | Objective owner’s user id | 8916, 18181, etc. |
upRaiseInfo | ownerTeams | String | This parameter contains all details of the objective owner’s team/s |
ownerTeams | id | Number | Id of the that team owner belongs to | 110, 1919, etc. |
ownerTeams | name | String | Name of the that team owner belongs to | Sales, Support, etc. |
owner | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira user Rest API URL | <bestURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
startDate | Date | Objective start date | 21/March/2024 | |
dueDate | Date | Objective end date | 31/March/2024 | |
status | Object | This object contains all objective status details |
| |
status | id | Number | Id of the objective status | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
status | name | String | Name of the objective status |
progress | Object | This object contains all details of the objective progress | ||
progress | percent | Number | Progress % of the objective | |
percent | confidenceStatus | String | Confirdenec status of objective | |
confidenceStatus | id | Number | Id of the confidence status | |
confidenceStatus | name | string | Name of the confidence status | |
progress | confidenceScore | Number | Confidence score of the objective | |
visibility | Object | This object contains details of the visibility settings of the objective | type | |
visibility | type | String | The type of the visibility of the objective |
labels | Object | This object contains details of the associated labels with the objective |
| |
labels | id | Number | Id of the label | 1, 20, 40, etc. |
labels | name | String | Name of the label | Strategy, New projects, Employee welfare, Adaptability, etc. |
creator | Object | This object contains details of the objective creator |
| |
creator | id | Number | Id of the user who created objective | 1234, 5672, etc. |
creator | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira users API URL | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
created | date | Date when objective was created | 21/Mar/24 05:14 | |
modifiedBy | Object | This object contains the details of user who modified the objective |
| |
modifiedBy | id | Number | User id who modified objective | 1, 2, 7373, 3737, etc. |
modifiedBy | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira user API URL for user who modified the objective | <baseUrl>t/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
modified | Date | The date when objective was modified | 21/Mar/24 05:24 | |
attachments | Object | This object contains parameters related attchments within the objective | id, created, filename, mimetype, size, createdBy, attachmentFileApiUrl | |
id | Number | Id of the attachment | 891, 2525, etc. | |
created | Date | Date when attachment is created | 21/Mar/24 05:24 | |
filename | String | File name of the attchement | image (20).png, etc. | |
mimetype | String | Type of the attched image | image/png, PDF, etc. | |
size | Number | Size of the attached file | Size of the attached file | |
createdBy | String | Contains details of the user who created the attachment |
| |
upRaiseInfo | String | Contains user’s UpRaise info | id | |
id | Number | UpRaise user id who created attachment | 781, 3636, etc. | |
JiraUserRestApiURL | String | Jira user Rest API URL | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 | |
attachmentFileApiUrl | String | Attchment file URL from UpRaise | <baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/attachment/6101 | |
For parameters related to KRs read getKRDetails | ||||
For parameters related to alignments | ||||
alignments | Object | This object contains all parameters related to objective alignements |
| |
contributesTo | String | This parameter contains details of the contributing of objective of the current objective | id, created, sourceObject, objectiveApiUrl | |
id | Number | Id of the contributing objective | 11, 18181, etc. | |
created | date | Date when alignment was created | 21/Mar/24 05:14 | |
sourceObject | String | Details of the source/contribution objective | id, key, objectiveApiUrl | |
id | Number | Id of the contributing objetive | 99, 20202, etc. | |
key | String | UpRaise key of contributing objective | OBJ-1, OBJ-2, etc. | |
objectiveApiUrl | String | Objective API URL of the contributing objective | <baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/objective/40510 | |
receivesContributionFrom | String | This parameter contains all details of the aligned obejctive that is receiving contribution from current objective | It contains the same parameters as expalined above under contributesTo | |
lastPunchIn | ||||
dateTimeFormat | ||||
dateFormat | ||||
customFeilds | Object | This object contains all parameters related to objective’s/KR’s UpRaise custom feilds |
| |
customFeilds | id | Number | Id of the custom feild | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
customFeilds | name | String | Name of the custom feild | Budget, Review date, etc. |
customFeilds | type | String | Feild type of selcted custom UpRaise custom feilds for the current objective | Below ate the supported feild types for UpRaise custom feilds -
customFeilds | userValue | String | This shows the actual user values of the user select field type custom fields | Any user value |
customFeilds | NumberValue | Number | This shows the actual number values of the number field type custom fields | Any number value |
customFeilds | textValue | String | This shows the actual text values of the text field type custom fields | Any text value |
customFeilds | option | String | Option parameter contains the details of the options when custom feilds are like single select, multi select type |
options | id | Number | Id of the option under custom feild | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
options | name | String | Name of the option under custom feild | Any value based on the type of feild |
isArchived | String | This defines whether objective is archived or not |
| |
watchers | String | This contains details of the objective watchers |
| |
watchers | upRaiseInfo | String | This contains the details of the user wathcing objective |
upRaiseInfo | id | Number | UpRaise user id of the objective watcher | 12, 1244, etc. |
upRaiseInfo | ownerDesignation | String | This parameter contains details of the watcher’s designation |
ownerDesignation | id | Number | Id of the watcher designation | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
ownerDesignation | name | String | Watcher’s designation | Sales manager, CSM, etc. |
upRaiseInfo | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira user REST API URL of the watcher | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |