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API URL to get shared feedback

Use below URL to get shared feedback. 

  • Syntax - <Jira base URL>/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/feedback/shared
  • Example -

This will display all shared feedback by logged in user. 


ParentParameterTypeDescriptionPossible values

startAtNumberUse this parameter to define starting index for the search results10, 20, etc

maxResultsNumberUse this parameter to define max results on each page20, 40, etc

totalNumberTotal number of given feedback for logged in user23, 50, 100, 1000, etc

dateTimeFormatStringFormat definition of date fields returned in response.

dateFormatDateFormat definition of date fields returned in response.

resultsObjectThis objective consist of all data points of returned results
resultsidNumberFeedback id23, 1, 2, 4, etc
resultsmessageStringMessage in the feedback
  • You have done a great job! Keep it up!
resultscreatorObjectThis object consists of all data points related user who created feedback 
resultsreceiverObjectThis object consists of all data points related user who received feedback
resultsvisibilityObjectThis object consists of all data points related to feedback visibility in UpRaise
visibilitytypeStringVisibility type
  • All users
  • Shared with selected teams or users
visibilityusersObjectThis object consists of all data points related to users with whom the feedback is shared. Applicable when visibility is shared with selected users
visibilityteamsObjectThis object consists of all data points related to teams with those the feedback is shared. Applicable when visibility is shared with selected teams
  • id
  • name 
  • description
teamsidNumberTeam id1, 2, 3, 4, etc
teamsnameStringTeam name
  • Sales
  • Operations
teamsdescriptionStringTeam descriptionThis is a fantastic team!
resultsfeedbackTagObjectThis object consists of all data points related to the feedback tag selected in the current feedback
  • id
  • name
feedbackTagidNumberFeedback tag id1, 2, 3, 4, etc
feedbackTagnameStringFeedback tag name in UpRaiseFantastic work, above expectations, etc
resultslabelsObjectThis object consists of all data points related to associated labels with current feedback
  • id
  • name
labelsidNumberLabel id45,96,1,2, etc
labelsnameStringLabel nameSkill development, teamwork, etc
resultsresourceIdNumberResource id is retuned when your feedback is associated with Jira issue, objective or key result. In such a case this parameter returns Jira issue id, objective id or key result id. If the feedback is independent, resourceId parameter returns nothing.  

36, 63,5698, 78, etc

resultsresourceTypeStringFeedback type 
  • Jira issue
  • objective
  • Key result,
  • Independent
resultscreatedDateDate on which feedback is createdAny date
resultsmodifiedDateDate on which feedback is createdAny date

On this page

Table of Contents

In this section

Child pages (Children Display)
pageREST APIs for Continuous Feedback

Past versions

Get all continuous feedback data (Before v3.9.9)