Respond to feedback request link in the email wasn’t opening up the ‘Give feedback’ pop-up with relevant information populated, now fixed
It wasn’t possible to clear the objective selection in the ‘Contributes to’ field available on ‘Add objective’ pop-up, resolved
Feedback visibility behaviour thoroughly tested & addressed a couple of relevant cases
Reviewer remarks section was being shown to the team member in the forms, addressed
Objective/KR title is no more visible to the users from Feedback sections, if they don’t already have access to the O/KR
Inactive teams were getting synced with Jira & HRMS sync wasn’t creating teams within UpRaise company directory. Now both rectified
Team hierarchy view was displaying multiple nodes on successive clicks, corrected
OKR export wasn’t pulling in all the visible columns in the view, now fixed
Scrolling was erratic when choosing a level from the add alignment pop-up, resolved
Progress calculation timestamp errors & multiple entries for these updates displayed in OKR history - both rectified
Removed ‘Garrison team' custom field as it is not used anymore
OKR status was not changing to ready for grading, ready to close in some cases. Fixed
Team profile pages were not displaying the OKRs when multi-layered structure was being used, resolved
User profile pages were not displaying OKR grades, addressed