Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
titleNovember (V 6.1.0)

Version 6.1.0

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Jira 8.20.2 compatibility

(tick) New features

  • Added provision in the database to block instance-level email notifications based on different event types. Soon, these will be editable from the app UI.

  • Wherever team selector is available, the app now lists down all the teams logged in user belongs to make selection easier.

  • User & Team profile pages now display relevant actions related to OKRs & Feedback.

  • Create another checkbox now allows you to add more than one objectives or feedback messages quickly.

🐞​ Bugs

  • Give feedback permission wasn’t behaving as expected in a certain set up, now corrected.

  • Feedback creation success message didn’t show the user’s name, rectified.

  • Team member & reviewer pairs in form distributions got jumbled on save, improved the UX by making them consistent.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleOctober (V 6.0.1)

Version 6.0.1

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Jira 8.20.1 compatibility

(tick) New features

  • When hovering your mouse over any Team level objective, the app shows level of the objective along with the team name.

  • OKR cycle & objective status update as well as progress update jobs can be triggered via a manual endpoint.

  • Active objective cycles can be closed via a manual action now, rather than waiting for the job that updates their status on due date.

  • It is now possible to assign custom roles to UpRaise users via the HRMS sync feature.

🐞​ Bugs

  • Exporting the ‘Confidential review’ data didn’t include team member name, now corrected.

  • Minor bug fixes.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleOctober (V 6.0.0)

Version 6.0.0

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • ​Code refactoring

🐞​ Bugs

  • Bug fixes


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleSeptember (V 5.9.0)

Version 5.9.0

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • ​Changed version name from 5.9 to 5.9.0 to address JCMA compatibility issue. No other changes done.

titleSeptember (V 5.9)

Version 5.9

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Atlassian sdk version updated to the latest available.

(tick) New features

  • Support for Emojis in all the WYSWYG editors is now available.

  • OKR confidence score charts report is live.

🐞​ Bugs

  • There was a date related problem when exporting data (for migration from on-prem to cloud). This is now corrected.

  • There were some issues while opening/closing/extending due dates of a form distribution, fixed.

  • Added a validation to prevent user roles turning to ‘No access’ even when the instance access is set to ‘All users’

  • Other minor bug fixes


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleSeptember (V 5.8.2)

Version 5.8.2

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Jira 8.19.1 compatibility

🐞​ Bugs

  • Anonymity was breached in the history section of 360 forms, fixed

  • Form distribution job was not working as expected in some cases, corrected


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleSeptember (V 5.8.1)

Version 5.8.1

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Jira 8.19 compatibility.

🐞​ Bugs

  • User mentions were failing at the time of migration to V 5.x version from any previous version. Now fixed.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleAugust (V 5.8.0)

Version 5.8.0

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • UpRaise data for cloud migration is now exported in a specific sequence to allow easy import.

  • Jira 8.18.2 compatibility.

(tick) New features

  • Company directory user listing UI improvements. Grid/thumbnail view is improved for ease of use. Edit action is available right from the grid & the app remembers which view list vs grid you used last.

  • Continuous feedback sharing options can now be configured to prevent feedback sharing with all users or teams or users. More flexibility means more power to your users.

  • If you have the weight column enabled, it now shows up on the Hierarchy as well as Explorer views.

🐞​ Bugs

  • Now To Do KRs have ‘in progress’ status based on if they were punched in or not.

  • Other minor bug fixes.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleAugust (V 5.7.2)

Version 5.7.2

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Jira 8.18.1 compatibility

titleAugust (V 5.7.1)

Version 5.7.1

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • First step towards Server/DC → Cloud migration is here. Now you can export the UpRaise for Employee Success data, which we will later use to import into your cloud instance.

(tick) New features

  • Now the OKRs bucket columns on user & team profile pages can also be resized similar to Browse OKRs screen.

🐞​ Bugs

  • Punch-in comment box wasn’t showing the text editor options when confidence score was enabled, now fixed.

  • Team logo wasn’t being shown even after uploading, corrected.

  • Action to delete a KR as action from issue details page was broken, addressed.

  • Sorting on distributions tab wasn’t working as expected, quashed.

  • OKR export from Browse OKRs screen was failing in some cases, fixed.

  • Delay added for OKR progress calculation to ensure resolution is considered.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleJuly (V 5.7)

Version 5.7

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Performance improvements OKRs, Company directory etc screens

(tick) New features

  • Now the hierarchy/explorer view is available even if multiple alignments configuration is turned on

  • Objective conversion between different objective levels is available, even when there are multiple layers based on team types

  • OKR icons are now displayed based on their levels. Earlier it was only limited to C, T & I. Now they are based on your customisation as well as team-type based levels

🐞​ Bugs

  • In some cases the pretty time was not displayed based on user’s Jira profile but based on their system locale, which lead to inconsistencies in some cases. Now fixed.

  • Objective labels were displayed only on the top level in hierarchy/explorer view. Corrected.

  • Bullet lists functionality in the editor corrected.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleJuly (V 5.6.1)

Version 5.6.1

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Performance improvements in retrieving relevant custom fields from Jira.

🐞​ Bugs

  • In case of an OKR being shared with ‘All users in the unit’, some objective actions were not working. Now fixed.

  • Forms sharing wasn’t modifiable, addressed.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleJune (V 5.6)

Version 5.6

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Jira 8.17.1 compatibility

(tick) New features

  • Support for three new languages is now available

    • Estonian 🇪🇪

    • Turkish 🇹🇷

    • Spanish 🇪🇸

  • Objective cycle status & compliance report now splits up the information based on internal layers of OKRs as well (which are essentially team types)

  • Many of the entities that are paginated also display total numbers e.g. Teams, Users, Designations, Distributions & Templates

  • Now the team type is displayed on the team profile page

  • App now remembers the last visited tab for each user and brings them back to the same place on their next visit

🐞​ Bugs

  • OKR progress charts were displaying flat line for non-admin UpRaise users in some cases, now fixed

  • Forms related bug fixes

  • Other minor bug fixes


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleJune (V 5.5.1)

Version 5.5.1

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Jira 8.17 compatibility

🐞​ Bugs

  • User profile page was not working when all the profile attributes were deleted from the app. That is now fixed.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleMay (V 5.5)

Version 5.5

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Limited rollout flag was causing problems at times for large instances, now handled.

  • User profile page loading time improved further.

(tick) New features

  • View teams permission is now forced to be true for all roles except no access. Moreover, this permission can not be modified. It is a fundamental permission to make the app work & thus we wanted to stay clear of any unnecessary complexities.

  • Support for three new languages is now available

    • Russian 🇷🇺

    • Romanian 🇷🇴

    • Polish 🇵🇱

  • Pop-ups across the app now deal better with Escape click. Also, they don’t close when you click outside of them. This will prevent any data loss.

🐞​ Bugs

  • In one specific case, Settings page was not loading when you migrated from pre 5.x version. This is now fixed.

  • For To Do type of KR, while punching in the checkbox was getting checked on its own when triggered from a few places. This is now made consistent. In no case, the checkbox’s value will change without explicit user action.

  • Owner’s team value was not being displayed on the Browse OKRs page, now corrected.

  • Carry forward action is now available from the objective detail page.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleMay (V 5.4)

Version 5.4

Release date -

🐞​ Bugs

  • Respond to feedback request link in the email wasn’t opening up the ‘Give feedback’ pop-up with relevant information populated, now fixed

  • It wasn’t possible to clear the objective selection in the ‘Contributes to’ field available on ‘Add objective’ pop-up, resolved

  • Feedback visibility behaviour thoroughly tested & addressed a couple of relevant cases

  • Reviewer remarks section was being shown to the team member in the forms, addressed

  • Objective/KR title is no more visible to the users from Feedback sections, if they don’t already have access to the O/KR

  • Inactive teams were getting synced with Jira & HRMS sync wasn’t creating teams within UpRaise company directory. Now both rectified

  • Team hierarchy view was displaying multiple nodes on successive clicks, corrected

  • OKR export wasn’t pulling in all the visible columns in the view, now fixed

  • Scrolling was erratic when choosing a level from the add alignment pop-up, resolved

  • Progress calculation timestamp errors & multiple entries for these updates displayed in OKR history - both rectified

  • Removed ‘Garrison team' custom field as it is not used anymore

  • OKR status was not changing to ready for grading, ready to close in some cases. Fixed

  • Team profile pages were not displaying the OKRs when multi-layered structure was being used, resolved

  • User profile pages were not displaying OKR grades, addressed


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleApril (V 5.3)

Version 5.3

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • OKR hierarchy view performance improvements, loading time reduced to a couple of seconds.

  • Delete team wasn’t deleting all the team members when it had a lot of members, addressed along with performance improvements.

  • User profile attributes update/deletion is now async for improved loading times.

(tick) New features

  • Ability to hide Weightages related to OKRs. If you are using the OKRs for first time, weights may be a bit too much for you. This configuration lets you customise that behaviour.

  • It is now possible to define default OKR views rather than use the ones that are provided by the system.

  • Team OKRs progress comparison section is back with team selector for easy interpretation of the data.

  • Reports item is now moved out Administration section since reports are now available for all users.

🐞​ Bugs

  • Sync and import was triggering emails to all users, fixed. This was introduced in the last release when we made performance improvements to the company directory.

  • On a specific instance, exporting forms was not working. This is now resolved.

  • If an OKR view had a label filters selected, they didn’t show up while editing the view. Addressed.

  • OKR progress chart reports were missing the pagination, fixed.

  • In a very specific scenario, some KR comments were not shown on the screen. Resolved.

  • Jira - ‘Where is my field’ link was behaving erroneously. Addressed.

  • In some cases, teams didn’t move to the newly created unit when turning on the feature.

  • Form exports email made similar to other export actions in the app.

  • Form distribution tab was displaying a couple of incorrect statuses, resolved.

  • Feedback sharing type was displaying incorrectly in a specific scenario.

  • Inactive teams are now hidden from the dashboard views.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleMarch (V5.2)

Version 5.2

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • User profile custom attribute delete/update actions performance improvements

    • When a custom attribute was used for 1000+ users (had a not null value for them), taking any action on it was a slow process. That is now addressed.

  • Distribution/distribution user reopen action was taking 20+ seconds to complete. Now resolved.

(tick) New features

  • Team list size increased to 25 from 10. Now majority of the times, the team you are searching for will be visible by default.

  • Role is more appropriately now called UpRaise role.

  • Ability to search by OKR title is here on the browse OKRs page.

  • OKR excel export now also populates Team column for KRs for easy manipulation/visualisation in spreadsheets.

🐞​ Bugs

  • JQL progress calculation job wasn’t working based on provided cron expression, now fixed.

  • A customer had reported seeing duplicate users in UpRaise company directory. Now with the upgrade, duplicate users will be removed & their data will be moved to be owned by the earliest user available.

  • Request feedback notification is now gender neutral.

  • Migration was failing if timezone info was not fetched for one or more Jira users. This is now handled. If the user timezone is not available, Jira timezone is being utilised.

  • OKR export showed duplicate rows in some cases, now addressed.

  • When a user was not logged in & clicked on a direct UpRaise link, they were not navigated to the Jira log in page. Fixed.

  • Progress % was not getting updated when an alignment was deleted, resolved.

  • Multiline custom profile attributes were directly sending out JSON values in exports and notifications, crushed.


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleMarch (V5.1.1)

Version 5.1.1

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Performance improvements across the entire app

(tick) New features

  • Info drawer now brings along a consolidated view that shows information about the installed app, license as well as important links

  • OKR progress chart report now supports Quarter over quarter option

  • Browse OKR screen now also displays number of OKRs based on applied view/filters

🐞​ Bugs

  • Export action was not working due to the symlink, issue fixed

  • OKR summary screen was being displayed on the grade page, addressed

  • Impact on WBS gantt chart due to css conflict, resolved

  • OKR views were not working as expected when shared only with one or more teams, corrected

  • Next reminder date was being calculated based on objective start date & not today’s date, rectified

  • KRs were not being searched on when Jira used MySQL database, resolved

  • Alignments for deleted objectives are also now marked as deleted


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleFebruary (V5.1)

Version 5.1

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Performance improvements across the entire app

  • App is now Data center compatible (Migration to the new consolidated platform for DC)

🐞​ Bugs

  • In some cases UpRaise was adding # to the Jira urls, fixed

  • Listing of teams now displays 25 records instead of earlier 10

  • OKR visibility bug fix that occurred in a specific condition


Includes breaking changes, please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleFebruary (V5.0.8)

Version 5.0.8

Release date -

(tick) New features

  • Reports are now available to even non-admin users. Right now only OKR reports are made available. Others will follow soon. Please do remember though, visibility is honoured at all times. If something is not meant to be visible to you, it won’t be seen in the reports as well.

🐞​ Bugs

  • Ability to set/see view id in the url is back.

  • Translated versions of the app were not working as desired when Jira default language and user profile language were same, fixed.

  • Upgrade to V 5.0.7 directly from V 4.5 was throwing errors, addressed these.


Please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleFebruary (V5.0.7)

Version 5.0.7

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Jira 8.15 compatibility

(tick) New features

  • Support for German 🇩🇪 language is back. What’s more we are now supporting French 🇫🇷 language as well.

🐞​ Bugs

  • Inactive teams were not called out while searching, now fixed.

  • Objective cycle sequence in dropdowns wasn’t correct, resolved.

  • In a corner case, OKR summary page was throwing NPE. Now it doesn’t.


Please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleJanuary (V5.0.6)

Version 5.0.6

Release date -
👨‍💻​ Tech
  • Performance improvements on Forms, OKR thumbnail view related screens.

🐞​ Bugs

  • While exporting OKRs to excel, objective id was stamped as null. Fixed.

  • Exporting OKRs to excel also caused grade related columns to present incorrect data along with labels. Fixed.

  • Dashboard was showing incorrect number of KRs for top company objectives. Addressed.

  • OKR filters in views, minor bug fixes.

  • Upgrade issues involving NPE resolved.

  • Form sharing was throwing error in some cases, now resolved.

  • Other minor bug fixes.


Please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleJanuary (V5.0.5)

Version 5.0.5

Release date -

(tick) New features

  • 'Feedback formats' are predefined templates for giving & requesting feedback. Usually the exercise of feedback exchange is daunting if you have to start from scratch. To counter that we are introducing 'Feedback formats'.

🐞​ Bugs

  • Minor bug fixes


Please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleJanuary (V5.0.4)

Version 5.0.4

Release date -

🐞​ Bugs

  • Form description as well as instructions on questions can now be configured via WYSWYG editor

  • Objective suggestions were not being displayed when Units were enabled, addressed

  • Other minor bug fixes


Please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes

titleJanuary (V5.0.3)

Version 5.0.3

Release date -
??‍??​ Tech
  • Company directory & OKR pages performance improvements

🐞​ Bugs

  • Minor migration related bug fixes


Please go through V 5.x - Milestone releases notes
