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Section-wise weightage feature allows you to add different sections with different weightages to consider section wise and the final score calculation of calculation of the team member. These sections can be anything like organizational values, team member's skills or any parameter to consider overall performance of an employee. You can create these weighted sections in all available Employee Success UpRaise base templates. Let us see how exactly this works.

Adding Sections

  • Go to form builder page of the any of the base

    Employee Success 

    UpRaise templates. 

  • Click on section start option from add field tab

  • Click on section start title in the right side section 

  • Field settings tab opens that allows you to add -

    • Section Title 

    • Section Details

    • Score option

    • Weightages

Refer below image where section title is productivity. Section details will have some description related to the section. Score option allows you to decide whether questions in this section need to be associated with scores. And weightages option lets you add weightage of the section in the review form.

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If you uncheck the score option for a section, final score of that section will be 0, irrespective of the questions added in such section are scored or not. 

Adding questions in sections

Once done with section settings, add your questions to the section, manage their field settings and then add another section. In this way, you add as many as sections you want along with questions. Complete all sections in the same way. Now save or save and distribute the form. Users will receive a form as shown in the image below. 

You can add such sections in each tab i.e. team member, reviewer, reviewers remarks, hr remarks, etc. Same is applicable for all types of Employee Success  UpRaise base templates. Image Removed

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A distributed form

Once distributed this how a finished form looks like - Image Removed

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Completed form with section wise scores

At the end when the form is completed all involved users in the form will be able to see section wise scores achieved by them as well as the final score of the entire form at the top. Check How does score calculation work for section wise weighted forms?Image Removed

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Aggregated scores of all sections

On view responses page, admins can see the overall aggregated scores of all sections. Non-admin users would see these scores on my forms page>>all tab for their own forms. Image Removed

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pageReview Forms Basics