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Administration → OKR settings → team & individual OKR settings tab

OKRs >> Cycles tab lists down all the objective cycles available in the system. Following attributes are associated with each objective cycle


Summary or name of the cycle, should be precise and self-explanatory - e.g. Q1 2016 Objectives Cycle


Start and end dates between which the corresponding objectives should be completed.


The description that can help users understand more about the corresponding objective cycle - instructionsdetails, or anything that can help.

Following attributes are also explained in team OKR settings & individual OKR settings articles.


New objectives can be added till & existing objectives can be edited till - these two attributes are deprecated from version

Individual objectives can be added by 

Every organization has its own processes, to allow that flexibility - Employee Success offers ability to set permissions so that only certain users can create individual objectives. This applies to all the individual objectives in an objective cycle.

  • Employee Success admin/super admin can add new objectives for others
  • Managers can add new objectives for their team members
  • Users can add new objectives for themselves
  • Anyone can add new objectives for anyone

Individual objectives can be edited by 

This configuration allows Employee Success admin/super admin to control the ability to edit individual objectives associated with the given cycle

  • Creator
  • Owner

Team objectives can be added by 

Similar to how one can set permissions for the ability to add individual objectives, Employee Success allows ability to set permissions as to who can add new team objectives.

  • Employee Success admin/super admin can add objectives for all the teams
  • Team leads can add objectives for the teams they are leading
  • Any team member can add objectives for their teams.
Team objectives can be editedby 

This configuration allows Employee Success admin/super admin to control the ability to edit team objectives associated with the given cycle

  • Employee Success admin/super admin
  • Objective Owner
  • Team Lead
  • Any team member

Objective grading type 

  • When any objective in the cycle becomes 'ready for grading', OKRs can be graded. This setting makes sure what type of grading is to be used
    • Opinion scale
    • Radio buttons
    • None

Objective grading type

With this attribute, you can manage objective grading settings.


All the permission related attributes deprecated from objective cycle setting section and are moved to UpRaise roles and permissions

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pageObjectives & Key Results - Admin guide

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