2018 - Cloud UpRaise for Employee Success (OKRs)
- Annu
13th December 2018
Bug fixes
Statuses of moved objective were not showing correctly.
On move, objective details page was not refreshing.
Daily job was not working in this case - if the scheduled objective cycle is due to start, objective status was not checked for in-progress objectives.
Allow more than 5 radio options for grading settings for objective cycles.
Issue Update triggers were not working for more than 20 issues in the epic.
01st December 2018
Bug fixes
Anonymous username was showing up in HTML hidden field
03rd September 2018
Bug fixes
System was showing incorrect data in ‘Contributing to Objective ID’ & ‘Contributing to Objective’ for KRs.
System was displaying ‘Pending’ status for ToDo type KR in ‘Completed’ status.
16th August 2018
Released a new Confluence macro for Team OKRs. Read How to use UpRaise Team OKRs Confluence macro? for more details.
12th July 2018
Introduced a company-specific Confluence key/token.
Bug fixes
Questions in comparison view reports were not displayed in proper sequence.
06th July 2018
Bug fixes
Bug fixes related to feedback API.
fromModified and toModified parameters were not working for feedback/shared API.
feed gadgets were not working for continuous feedback.
04th July 2018
Released a new parameter called 'perspective' for API feedback.
Released a company-specific authentication key for feedback API.
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes.
14th June 2018
Users mentioned in feedback messages and comments will be added to the share with list of the feedback.
Bug fixes
Removed 'Conversations' column from Usage reports and My feedback stats graph on My Dashboard (conversations feature was deprecated a few weeks back ).
'View objectives' link on Objective cycle section of Objective details page was redirecting to a blank page.
12th June 2018
Confluence connector for Upraise Feedback
This confluence macro allows you to fetch feedback data on relevant Confluence pages.
06th June 2018
Released APIs for UpRaise feedback and comments.
05th June 2018
UI changes on my feedback page and user profile page for super admins.
On My feedback page, 'Shared' tab, a checkbox 'Super admin view' is displayed.
Bug fixes
Employee Success addon name update on manage addon screen
Blank page displayed when clicked on 'Objectives here' link from E-mail sent on Add/edit objective action.
Removed validation message for users while saving a distribution as a draft.
Objective cycle status update issues resolved.
Response shared with all was not visible to the 3rd user on receiver's profile page.
Feedbacks shared with all on the user profile page were not displayed in 'received' section.
Feedback was not visible to super admin on insight view page if he is the Creator.
The user was unable to update KR owner if the existing owner is Inactive/deleted
The system was displaying a blank page when user hits enter in name field on dorm builder page.
Recent activity feed issues are resolved.
No activity was being displayed in 'recent activity' tab on my dashboard on sharing a form.
24th May 2018
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes.
10th May 2018
Extend due date action added for distributions all in 'distributed' status.
Now you can extend review from due date until form is in distributed status.
New Slack notification added for KR punch-in reminder.
KR owner will receive Slack notification for KR Punch-in reminder on UpRaise bot.
Bug fixes
Final OKR grades were not showing absolute value.
Now final average grade of OKR will be displayed in decimals instead of a rounded up value.
03rd May 2018
Ability to add attachments to key results.
Advanced settings for OKRs - manage labels.
Issues tab on review form to show Jira issues user (team member) worked on.
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
27th April 2018
Bug fixes
Scores for questions and sections are now shown dynamically on user response page.
Form email reminder was being sent to the wrong user instead of the 'current assignee'.
An incorrect score was displayed for the modified opinion scale type questions.
Pagination links on browse OKR page not working properly.
23rd April 2018
Ability to add section-level weightages in templates.
Now you can add sections in the review forms and weight them to get section-wise scores of the performance review.
Bug fixes
Super admin was unable to delete the feedback request where he is not the creator.
Print functionality was not working on Chrome browser.
16th April 2018
Ability to add attachments to objectives
Now any type of file (up to 10 MB) can be attached with an objective.
Ability to change level of team & individual objectives
Objective can be converted from team to individual level and vice versa
Review form permissions improvements for admins & super admins.
Bug Fixes
Upraise feed gadget was not working in production
10th April 2018
Allow multiple users to add grades on OKRs
Create another checkbox on giving feedback action
Improvements in OKR grading
Feedback messages will be displayed in reverse chronological order
Made add team button primary on tree view tab in teams page.
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
05th March 2018
Ability to share feedback with teams. Earlier sharing used to be limited to users.
Better filtering & sorting on 'Insight View' page.
Advanced setting to control default feedback sharing.
Ability to manage continuous feedback labels.
07th March 2018
A new report for 360 review form template is introduced. It allows aggregated comparison of responses for different reviewer types. For example - Managers vs Peers vs Direct reports vs Self.
09th March 2018
A new workflow for 'Confidential review' base template is now available. Once the form is completed by reviewer it is automatically shared with the team member, in this workflow.
13th March 2018
If a certain project is disabled from continuous feedback, OKRs - issues from that project are not returned in the search results.
Now it is possible to add past-dated objectives.
Deleted team profile, if accessed would throw an exception. That is now addressed.
Ability to delete a feedback request is now available.
Close/open actions are now available at the team member level for 360-degree review forms.
20th March 2018
Now it is possible to include Objectives in the review form. Use cases are
If you want to keep the objectives publicly visible but the grades should not be public
If you want to integrate the OKR goal-setting process with traditional performance appraisals
Maximum score is now stored in DB rather than calculate it on the fly
13th March 2018
If a certain project is disabled from continuous feedback, OKRs - issues from that project are not returned in the search results.
Now it is possible to add past-dated objectives.
Deleted team profile, if accessed would throw an exception. That is now addressed.
The ability to delete a feedback request is now available.
Close/open actions are now available at the team member level for 360-degree review forms.
09th March 2018
A new workflow for 'confidential review' base template is now available. Once the form is completed by reviewer it is automatically shared with the team member, in this workflow.
07th March 2018
A new report for 360 review form template is introduced. It allows aggregated comparison of responses for different reviewer types. For example - Managers vs Peers vs Direct reports vs Self.
05th March 2018
Ability to share feedback with teams. Earlier sharing used to be limited to users.
Better filtering & sorting on 'Insight View' page.
Advanced setting to control default feedback sharing.
Ability to manage continuous feedback labels.
21st February 2018
User picker issue
There was a change in Jira's user search API that resulted in user pickers in UpRaise loading without any results. This issue is now fixed.
20th February 2018
Reporting for 360 base templates - Responses for 360 templates can now be seen in the form of a report. The currently available view is 'self vs others'.
16th February 2018
Link to Service desk in place of 'Write to us' - 'Write to us' option replaced with 'Contact Support' that navigates users to UpRaise service desk.
UpRaise feed gadget - More interactive UpRaise feed is now available & can be added to your Jira dashboards. One can add comments right from this gadget.
Advanced setting to control default OKR sharing - UpRaise admins can define default share with option for OKRs from 'OKRs Settings >> Advanced'
09th February 2018
Improvements in response to a feedback request feature
User (to whom the feedback is requested) now receives a link in email notification that brings him/her to the 'My Feedback' page with 'Requests & Responses' tab active. Additionally, the 'Respond' pop-up will be also be loaded automatically.
08th February 2018
Bug Fixes
Hardcoding of Jira user group names removed which was preventing automatic addition of users to UpRaise company directory even when limited rollout is turned off.
06th February 2018
Bug Fixes
OKRs disappeared from browse OKR screen when all of them moved to 'closed' or 'abandoned' status. This issue is now fixed.
Add Individual Objective button wasn't appearing for non-admin users irrespective of permissions in objective cycle, fixed.
05th February 2018
Browse OKR page now allows you to create quick filters as well as share them with other users in UpRaise.
29th January 2018
Bug Fix
Form distributions that had special characters in their titles were throwing errors while exporting responses. That is now addressed by using timestamp as the exported Excel name.
25th January 2018
Ability to view continuous feedback as a reference within review forms.
23rd January 2018
Ability to print review forms along with activity log.
Bug fixes
An empty page was displayed when user navigated to a deleted form.
Page had to be refreshed in order to view the comments on the feedback.
Objective cycles were not searched via substring.
17th January 2018
Enhancement -
Template creation now displays number of questions to be responded by each participant.
Bug fixes -
Incorrect form status in emails.
KR reminders - user was able to choose a date before key result due date, fixed.
15th January 2018
Bug fixes -
When all key results & alignments were with 0 weightage, progress of the parent objective was automatically set to 0 on any update. Few use cases were missed in the earlier fix - grade & close, edit, share, abandon.
12th January 2018
Bug fixes
Issues in objective grading are fixed.
When all key results & alignments were with 0 weightage, the progress of the parent objective was automatically set to 0 on any update. This is now fixed.
11th January 2018
It is now possible to export review forms data in the form of an excel. UpRaise administrators can export this data at distribution level as well.
08th January 2018
Review form reminders -
It is now possible to set up automated reminders in review forms.
Bug Fixes
KR reminders feature released in the earlier version had a few minor issues that are now addressed.
02nd January 2018
Activity log on review forms.
Bug Fix
Change in KR sequence was not maintained in history, now fixed.