
Sometimes teams release software at the end of every sprint, or they may just want to generate the release notes generated from a sprint. ARN has got your back here as well.

Recently, ARN added support for [sprintId] & [sprintName] variables. You can use these inputs variables in the JQL & the app will let you select sprint/s instead of versions.


This is how to form your JQLs in ARN templates - 

issueType=story and Sprint = [sprintId]
issueType=story and Sprint = [sprintName]

Now at the time of release notes generation, ARN will ask you for a sprint & not a version.

You can also generate release notes in ARN from multiple sprints. Just append the variables with 1, 2 & so on (i.e. [sprintId], [sprintId1], [sprintId2] etc). For Eg. -

project=[projectId] and issueType=story and fixVersion in ("[sprintId1]","[sprintId2]","[sprintId3]")


  • Only way to provide Sprint IDs or names to a rule is when executing the rule manually or with the Sprint completed trigger.

  • If the number of Sprints provided to the template are more or less than sprint variables in the template, generated results may not match your expectations.