As the name suggests, its all about the current progress of each objective at the selected objective level. Depending on the filters you have used, system shows you the bar chart of objectives with the current progress. 

Company level OKRs progress chart 

Progress chart at the company level shows you the progress of each company level objective.  Mouse over on progress bar to see details of the objective. You can also filter objective with different statuses.

Team level OKRs progress chart 

Progress chart at team level shows you the progress of each team's objective progress. Mouse over to see details of the objective. You can also make use of filter options like teams and objective cycle for more specific progress data. 

Individual level OKRs progress chart 

Progress chart at individual level shows you the progress of each individual's objective progress. Mouse over to see details of the objective. You can also make use of filter options like owners and objective cycle for more specific progress data. 

A few quick facts about the current progress report 

  • When you mouse over on the progress bars, you will see objective information like -

    • Objective title

    • Objective owner's name

    • Objective due date

    • Objective progress

    • Confidence status

    • Objective status 

  • Color coding of the progress bars is done as below 

    • Green - Objective is 'on track'

    • Yellow - Objective is 'lagging behind'

    • Red - Objective in 'at risk'

    • Blue - Objective is in ready for grading, closed or abandoned as the confidence statuses are not applicable to objectives in these three statuses.

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