How to test your widget?

How to test your widget?

While you are still figuring out how the widget is going to look from the end user’s point of view, here is a simple trick to help you test the widget. That too, without needing any help from a developer.

Follow these steps:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Test page</title> </head> <body> <div> <h1> This is a test page </h1> </div> (Add Javascript snippet from your ARN widget configuration here. Make sure that <script> </script> tags appear only once) </body> </html>
  • Now get the Javascript snippet from ARN Embed tab on widget configuration screen & paste it just before the </body> tag.

  • Now the widget will load in the preview section. Click to expand.

  • Now you can make any changes to the widget configuration, save & just refresh the test page on codepen. That’s it.