Embed release page in Roadmap portal
If you use Roadmap & Idea Portal for Jira Service Management | Atlassian Marketplace app on your JSM instance to showcase your product roadmap, then you can embed a release page from ARN in there. This way you can have a central hub for your customers to look at the product roadmap as well as changelog.
Follow these simple steps to embed your release page from (AI powered) Automated Release Notes & Reports for Jira | Atlassian Marketplace on the roadmap portal.
Copy release page identifier
Go to ARN’s In project screen and navigate to the Release pages and widgets tab
Click on the release page that you want to embed
Copy the Release page identifier from the release page settings
Enable release page tab
Go to Roadmap portal app within your Jira service management project.
Click on Advanced setting under Actions for the required board.
Navigate to Release Notes section on the board settings page.
Enable setting called Show additional tab on roadmap
Add Title to your release page tab
Paste release page Identifier copied from ARN and click on Validate
Save the form
That’s it, your release page is now successfully embedded on the roadmap portal.
Roadmap portal shall automatically hide the header section of your ARN release page and show the actual release notes contents like this