Cloud - 8th March 2022
Cloud - 8th March 2022
Version: 8th March 2022
Released on: 08-Mar-2022
All issues
Issue Type
- [AR-1423] - [ARN Configuration]-> After translating to Chinese language the UI inconsistent in ARN rules setting
- [AR-1420] - [Release page] - Logo and favicon images not displaying after some period of time (For Template 2)
- [AR-1413] - [User received email] -> Symbol for Story, task, bug not displayed and only text is displayed for Email and HTML template
- [AR-1409] - Confluence template - creating space between text/paragraphs
- develops (AOS-4809)
- [AR-1402] - For invalid base URL fetching actual release page URL -> In release pages -> If try to fetch release page URL by using Identifier value
- [AR-1395] - For Parent field, value not displayed correctly --> when cascade field is used as only first level group by field -> While preview template
- [AR-1393] - Inconsistent line spaces when group by fields are used
- develops (AOS-4246)
- [AR-1389] - The bullets in an unordered list are aligned at the bottom instead of at the top
- develops (AOS-4744)
- [AR-1365] - Stats macro link doesn't work when field value has '&' character
- develops (AOS-4712)
- [AR-1346] - Sorting not working for level field in template listing page
Issue Type
- [AR-1396] - Need to implement personal data reporting API
- [AR-1349] - Support for cloud fortified
- [AR-1344] - Custom header/footer/css for release page
- develops (AOS-3234)
- [AR-1218] - Highlight Migration Feature in ARN Free App
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