Server - 7.2


Version: 7.2

Epics (0)

No epics were part of this release.



  • Maintaining template edit history logs
  • Custom variable with multi-select (check-boxes)
  • Open AI integration for Cloud apps
  • Enable missing plugins in the 'Title' & 'Description' field editor of JQL section and other macros.
  • Show custom variable description as help text on variable selector screen


Tasks (2)

  • [Server]-Blocked openAI integration impact on server
  • [Custom variable] - Default value replacement differentiation in logs tab


Bugs (7)

  • [Webhook trigger] - Rule action remain in In_progress status when custom created variables are used in template
  • [Custom variable] - Default value is not shown in Logs tab variable column in case of rule triggered with automated triggers
  • [Individual triggers] - The Version ID is being passed in the payload even though a version is not selected when executing a rule action
  • [AI Generator] - Sometimes output is in other language even if output language selected is different.
  • Need to change field description in JQL section
  • [custom variable] - Incorrect status code returned in API response when attempting to delete a variable with an unauthorized user.
  • Update Jira issues action button displayed even when no issues match search JQL

Raise a ticket on our service desk, if you need any help.