App Settings: Access and Permissions

App Settings: Access and Permissions

There could be some projects in Jira service management (JSM) where you don’t need to use Roadmap portal. Or there could be a handful of projects, that are using Roadmap portal. Either way, the Jira admin can ensure the requirements are met using project restrictions setting.

This setting is available only to the Jira admins. Jira admins can access this settings page at Apps >> Manage Apps >> Left navigation pane >> Roadmap portal >> Configurations

Default available



When the configuration is similar to the above, that means - Roadmap portal menu & glance view panel on individual JSD tickets are available on all projects by default. Except for projects that are added to the exception list.

e.g. in the above example, Roadmap portal menu will be available in all projects except ‘CSM’.

Default unavailable


When the configuration is similar to the above, that means - Roadmap portal menu & glance view panel on individual JSD tickets are not available on any projects by default. Except for projects that are added in the exception list.

e.g. in the above example, Roadmap portal menu will not be available in any project except ‘CSM’.