KR reminders

KR reminders

One of the important key aspects to roll out a successful OKRs culture is to have frequent & consistent progress updates on your OKRs. If your OKRs are up to date and they provide the real time progress data, it is easier for OKR champions/experts & higher level people to track the goal achievements.

We have seen that most of the people set goals and forget to update them frequently/as when they have made progress. To make sure that people do not forget updating their goals, UpRaise provides you a function called KR reminders.

UpRaise Admin/Super admins/Users with sufficient permissions can decide if they want users to receive reminder emails for KR punch in/update KRs on regular intervals (only for metric and to do type KRs).

  • Navigate to OKR >> Manage >> KR reminders section

  • Enable/disable KR reminders.

If these reminders are enabled, KR owner will receive reminders on specific intervals (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly - as per selected option from KR detail page >> Reminders tab). If these reminders are disabled, reminders tab on KR detail page will not be displayed.

From user’s perspective, following image shows the way reminder settings look like. Every KR owner can set the relevant KR reminder frequency for every KR they own. It is recommended to have same frequency, as UpRaise sends a consolidated email of KR those needs to be punched in.

  • You can edit this frequency anytime until the KR due date is passed or objective is in Ready/In progress status.

  • KR reminders are applicable only for Metric & To do type of KRs.