How does KR progress automation work?

How does KR progress automation work?


When the KR progress automation is turned on for Metric types of key results, a new / icon appears with Metric KRs. This icon appears on all the pages with KRs, like - Browse OKRs page, user/team profiles, etc.

  • Automatic progress updates happen based on the JQL & the cron configuration.

  • Every time the cron job runs, a system comment is added on the key result along with the result from the progress configuration.

  • These jobs run only if key result due date is either today or in the future & similarly if the objective start date is either today or in the past.

  • If the objective status is either CLOSED, ABANDONED, CARRIED FORWARD then the automated progress updates won't happen & you won’t see the icon with Metric KRs.


icon is displayed when progress automation is not set. is displayed when the automation is set. None of these icons are displayed if the KR automation is turned off from OKRs >> Manage tab.

When clicked on this icon, pop-up to manage the progress automation specific to that key result appears as below.

There are three aggregate functions -

  • Count

  • Sum

  • Average

The way these aggregate functions work


When you select Count as aggregate function of your KR, pop up also displays a JQL field. Add a relevant JQL and save. Now it takes a few minutes for the system to fetch number of issues matching the JQL. Once that is done, system updates the current value of your KR that is equal to the number of issues matching the JQL. See example in below images. 


When you select Sum as aggregate function of your KR, pop up displays two more fields, i.e. Field & JQL. Field is for Jira issue fields (custom & default both). Remember that it considers only numeric fields. So in Sum aggregate function, when you save a JQL and select a field, system updates the sum of all values in custom fields of issues those are retrieved from to the saved JQL.

Once the function is saved, system updates the current value of your KR that is equal to the sum of values in custom fields of issues retrieved by JQL. 


When you select Average as aggregate function of your KR, pop up displays two more fields i.e. Field & JQL. Field is for Jira issue fields (custom & default both). Remember that it considers only numeric fields. So in Average aggregate function, when you save a JQL and select a field, system updates the average of all values in custom fields of the issues those are retrieved from to the saved JQL.

Once the function is saved, system updates the current value of your KR that is equal to the average of values in custom fields of issues retrieved by JQL. 


In this image, aggregate function is not used and the original & target values are set while creating the KR & the current value is updated to 3. 

In below image, we have used Count aggregate function and current value is updated to 17 from 3 as there are 17 Jira issues matching to the saved JQL & accordingly the progress % is adjusted.

In this way, depending on the aggregate functions you have used, current value will be calculated and updated by system.

Delete aggregate function

Click on / icon, on the pop-up, click on Delete option.


Deleting aggregate function does not update the current value of KR, if required, you can punch in the desired value to show accurate progress of the KR.



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