Feedback page

Feedback page

Feedback page is all about the continuous feedback module of UpRaise. From this page you can view all feedback data in Summary & Feedback tabs. Whereas, Manage tab is visible only if you have permission to manage feedback administration.

You can also give & request feedback from this page from the action buttons in left top corner. Refer images below.


On summary page, you can view summary of feedback activities, your feedback tags and number of all given, received, given, shared, requested & notes. This summary is displayed for selected period & based on the data that is visible to you.

Since this is a summary tab, in My feedback section, system only shows numbers, if you wish to see actual feedback, you can navigate to feedback tab.


On this page, you can move to different sections like Received, Given, Shared, Requests, Notes. On selected section you can see relevant feedback and take action like comment, edit, delete, etc. based on permissions you have.

Clicking on Filter link/option system displays filters so search for specific feedback data.


This tab is to manage all administrative settings. Read Continuous Feedback Advanced Settings (Manage tab) .

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