Create calendar

Create calendar

What is Calendar feature?

Calendar feature allows you to create different calendars to have a list of events handy. For example, team member’s birthdays, work anniversaries, leaves, holidays, etc.

Following are the steps to create different calendars by using profile attributes & leave policies.

Create calendar

  • Click on Calendar >> Manage >> Add calendar >> Create new

  • On Add calendar pop-up

    • Name - Name of the calendar, example - My team’s birthdays, My Team’s leaves, etc.

    • Color code - Select color code of your choice

    • Is Public - Use switch to make your calendar private & public

  • Tabs - Leaves, Attributes, Holidays

  • Leaves - Selected user’s leaves will be displayed on the calendar

  • Attributes - Selected attributes related events will be displayed on calendar for selected user/s

  • Holidays - Holidays will be displayed from the selected Holiday policy in the given calendar

Add an existing calendar

  • Click on Calendar >> Manage >> Add calendar >> Add existing

Selected calendars will be added to your calendar tab. In this list you can see your own calendars & public calendars created by other users.

Use case of adding an existing calendar -

A sales manager has created a team calendar to track leaves, birthdays and work anniversaries of his team members. Other team members need not create the same calendar again, they can click on add existing and add it to there own calendar. Note that, the manager needs make his calendar public so others can add it.



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