Get objective details
Use below endpoint to get details of an objective.
Syntax - <Jira base URL>/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/okr/objective/{objective id}
Example -
This API returns data about an objective. If the objective is deleted or its id is incorrect, relevant message is returned.
Objective id is needed as input in the endpoint URL.
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
Parameters related to objective | ||||
id | Number | Objective id in UpRaise | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc | |
key | String | Objective key in UpRaise | OKR-1, OKR-2, etc | |
title | String | Objective title |
| |
Description | String | Objective description |
| |
objectiveCycle | Object | This object consists of details about the cycle that is associated with current objective. |
| |
objectiveCycle | id | Number | Objective cycle id in UpRaise. |
objectiveCycle | name | String | User facing objective cycle name. |
level | Object | This object consists of data points of the objective level. |
| |
Level | id | Number | Objective level id |
Level | name | String | Objective level name |
owner | Object | This object consists of data points related to objective owner |
| |
owner | upRaiseInfo | Object | This object consists of data points related to owner's UpRaise user details |
upRaiseInfo | ownerDesignation | Object | This object consists of all data points of objective owner's designation |
ownerDesignation | id | Number | Designation id | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc |
ownerDesignation | name | String | Designation of objective owner | Software developer, Sales executive, etc |
upRaiseInfo | ownerTeams | Object | This object consists of all data points related to owner's team in UpRaise |
ownerTeams | id | Number | Objective owner's team id | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc |
name | Number | Objective owner's team name | Sales, Operations, etc | |
startDate | Date | Objective start date | 01/Oct/19 | |
dueDate | Date | Objective due date | 28/Jan/20 | |
unit | Object | This object consists of all data points related to the team's unit in UpRaise |
| |
unit | id | Number | Unit id in UpRaise | 2, 3, 4, 5, etc |
unit | name | Number | Unit name in UpRaise | Any unit name according every organization's structure |
status | Object | This object consists of all data points related to current objective status |
| |
status | id | Number | Objective status id | 1,2,3,4, etc |
status | name | String | Objective status in UpRaise |
progress | Object | This object cosists of details about current progress percent of the parent objective in UpRaise. |
| |
progress | percent | Number | Objective progress percentage | 50.0, 60.0, 45.5, etc |
progress | confidenceStatus | Object | This object consists of all data points related to objective confidence status in UpRaise |
confidenceStatus | id | Number | Confidence status type id in UpRaise. | 1,2,3,4, etc |
confidenceStatus | name | String | Confidence status type name in UpRaise. |
(First three confidence statuses are customizable and can be anything as per user requirements, last two are system default) |
progress | confidenceScore | Number | Any number from 0-10. Only non-decimal numbers. | 0,1,2,3.....10 |
visibility | Object | This object consists of all data points of objective visibility in UpRaise |
| |
visibility | type | String | Visibility type |
labels | Object | This object consists of all data points of objective labels |
| |
labels | id | Number | Objective label id | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc |
labels | name | String | Objective label name | Labels are customizable, it can be anything that is used by UpRaise users to classify their objective. Example - CSAT, team building, etc |
creator | Object | This object consists of all data points of objective creator | ||
created | Date | The date on which objective is created | 28/Aug/19 6:43 PM | |
modifiedBy | Object | This object consists of all data points of the user who has modified the objective | ||
modified | Date | The date on which objective is modified | 23/Oct/19 11:08 AM | |
Parameters related to key results | ||||
keyResults | Object | This object consists of all data points of key result | ||
keyResults | id | Number | Key result id in UpRaise | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc |
keyResults | key | String | Key result key in UpRaise | KR-1, KR-2, etc |
keyResults | type | Object |
| |
type | id | Number | Key result type id |
type | name | String | Key result name in UpRaise |
keyResults | title | String | Key result title |
keyResults | description | String | Key result description in UpRaise |
keyResults | owner | Object | This object consists of all data points of key result owner | Any UpRaise user's name who owns current key result |
keyResults | originalValue | Number | Original value for a metric type key result | 10,20,20.80, etc |
keyResults | targetValue | Number | Target value for a metric type key result | 50, 500, 52.58, etc |
keyResults | currentValue | Number | Current value for a metric type key result | 25, 52.58,900, etc |
keyResults | progress | Object | This object consists of details about current progress of the current key result. |
progress | percent | Number | This returns the current progress % key result | 20.0,30.25,56.85, etc |
confidenceStatus | Object | This object consists of details about the confidence status of key result |
| |
confidenceStatus | id | Number | Confidence status id in UpRaise. | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc |
confidenceStatus | name | String | Confidence display name in UpRaise. |
(First three confidence statuses are customizable and can be anything as per user requirements, last two are system default) |
progress | confidenceScore | Number | Any number from 0-10. Only non-decimal numbers. |
keyResults | dueDate | Date | Due date of the key result | 08/Jan/18 |
keyResults | weightage | Number | Any non-decimal number between 0-10 as weight of the key result, in relation to its parent objective | Any non-decimal number between 0-10 |
keyResults | orderIndex | Number | Priority of the current key result as compared to other key results under its parent objective. |
keyResults | lastPunchedIn | Date | Date & time on which this key result was last punched in. | 08/Jan/18 8:36 PM |
keyResults | totalActions | Number | Number of Jira issue actions in key result | 2, 5,10,12, etc |
keyResults | gradeApiUrl | String | Url endpoint to retrieve grades associated with this key result. | For example - |
keyResults | linkId | Number | Jira issue linked id | |
keyResults | jql | String | This returns the JQL for Jira issue via JQL key result |
Parameters related to objective alignments | ||||
alignments | Object | This object consists of all data points related to objective alignments associated with current objective |
| |
alignments | contributesTo | Object | This object consists of all data points related to parent objective aligned with current objective |
contributesTo | id | Number | Alignment id | 1234, 56, 500, 45, etc |
contributesTo | created | Date | Date on which contributing objective was created | 12/Jan/2019 |
contributesTo | sourceObject | Object | This object is consists all data points about the parent objective | |
sourceObject | id | Number | Parent objective id | 12,23, etc |
sourceObject | key | String | Parent bjective key | OBJ-12, OBJ-23, etc |
sourceObject | title | String | Parent objective title |
sourceObject | description | String | Parent objective description | Any description related to current objective |
sourceObject | objectiveCycle | Object | This object consists of all data points of objective cycle associated with parent objective | |
objectiveCycle | id | Number | Objective cycle id of objective cycle associated with parent objective | 12,14,89,100, etc |
objectiveCycle | name | String | Objective cycle name of objective cycle associated with parent objective | Jan-march2019, semi-annual OKRs, etc |
sourceObject | level | Object | This object consists of all data points of objective level of parent objective | |
level | id | Number | Objective level id | 1,2,3,4, etc |
level | name | String | Objective level name |
sourceObject | owner | Object | This object consists of all data points of parent objective owner | |
sourceObject | startDate | Start date of parent objective | 13/Feb/2012 | |
sourceObject | dueDate | Due date of parent objective | 31/Dec/2019 | |
sourceObject | unit | This object consists of all data points of Upraise unit associated with the parent objective | ||
unit | id | Unit id | 1, 2, 5, 7, etc | |
unit | name | Unit name | Any name of unit created by UpRaise admin | |
sourceObject | status | This object consists of all data points of parent objectives status |
| |
status | id | Status id | 1,2,3,4, etc | |
status | name | Status name |
| |
sourceObject | progress | This object consists of all data points of parent objective's status |
| |
progress | percent | Objective progress | 52.0, 100.0, etc | |
sourceObject | weightage | Weightage of aligned objective. Any non-decimal number between 0-10 as weight of aligned objective in relation to its parent objective. | Any non-decimal number between 0-10 | |
alignments | receivesContributionFrom | Object | This object consists of all data points related to receive contribution from objective aligned with current objective |
receivesContributionFrom | id | Number | Alignment id | 23,45,85,69, etc |
receivesContributionFrom | created | Date | Date on which the receive contribution from/child objective was created | 15/Jan/2019 |
receivesContributionFrom | linkedObject | Object | This object consists of all data points of the linked/aligned objective with current objective to receive contribution from | |
linkedObject | id | Number | Child objective id | 25, 52, 89, 70, etc |
linkedObject | key | String | Child objective key | OBJ-25, OBJ-52, etc |
linkedObject | title | String | Child objective title |
linkedObject | description | String | Child objective description | Any description related to current objective |
linkedObject | objectiveCycle | Object | This object consists of all data points of objective cycle associated with child object | |
objectiveCycle | id | Number | Id of objective cycle that is associated with child objective | 12,52, etc |
objectiveCycle | name | String | Name of objective cycle that is associated with child objective | June-Aug 2019, Annual objectives, etc |
linkedObject | level | Object | This object consists of all data points of objective level of child objective | |
level | id | Number | Objective level id |