Get KR details
API URL to get KR details
Use below endpoint to get KR details.
Syntax - <Jira base URL>/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/okr/keyresult/{key result id}
Example -
This API returns data about a key result. If the key result is deleted or its id is incorrect, relevant message is returned.
Key result id is needed as input in the endpoint url.
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
id | Number | KR id in UpRaise | 12,45,78, etc | |
key | String | KR key in UpRaise | KR-12, KR-45, KR-78, etc | |
type | Object | This object consists of details about KR types available in UpRaise that is relevant to the given KR id. |
| |
type | id | Number | Key result type id. | 1,2 |
type | name | String | Key result name in UpRaise. |
title | String | Key result title. |
| |
description | String | Key result description. |
| |
owner | String | Key result owner name. | Any UpRaise user's name who owns the current key result. | |
originalValue | Number | Original value for a metric type key result. | 10,20,20.80, etc | |
targetValue | Number | Target value for a metric type key result. | 50, 500, 52.58, etc | |
currentValue | Number | Current value for a metric type key result. | 25, 52.58,900, etc | |
progress | Object | This object consists of details about progress of the current key result. |
| |
progress | percent | Number | This returns the current progress of the key result. | 20.0,30.0,56.85, etc |
confidenceStatus | Object | This object consists of details about the confidence status of the key result's parent objective. |
| |
confidenceStatus | id | Number | Confidence status type id in UpRaise. | 1,2,3,4,5, etc |
confidenceStatus | name | String | Confidence display name in UpRaise. |
(First three confidence statuses are customizable and can be anything as per user requirements, last two are system default) |
progress | confidenceScore | Number | Any number from 0-10. Only non-decimal numbers. |
dueDate | Date | Due date of the key result. | 08/Jan/18 | |
weightage | Number | Any non-decimal number between 0-10 as weight of the key result, in relation to its parent objective. | Any non-decimal number between 0-10 | |
orderIndex | Number | Priority of the current key result as compared to other KRs under its parent objective. |
| |
lastPunchedIn | Date | Date & time on which this KR was last punched in. | 08/Jan/18 8:36 PM | |
parentObjective | Object | This objective consists details of parent objective of the current KR. | ||
parentObjective | id | Number | Objective id of parent objective of the KR | 120, 45, etc |
parentObjective | key | String | Objective key of parent objective of the KR | OBJ -120, OBJ - 45, etc |
parentObjective | title | String | Objective title of parent objective of the KR | Title of the objective |
parentObjective | description | String | Objective description of parent objective of the KR | Description of the objective |
parentObjective | objectiveCycle | Object | This object consists of details about cycle of the parent objective in UpRaise instance. | |
objectiveCycle | id | Number | Objective cycle id in UpRaise. | 1,2,56,70, etc |
objectiveCycle | name | String | User facing objective cycle name. |
parentObjective | level | Object | This object consists of data points that are available about the objective levels within UpRaise. | |
level | id | Number | Level id of the parent objective of respective KR. | 1,2,3,4, etc |
level | name | String | Level name of the parent objective of respective KR. |
parentObjective | owner | String | Objective owner name in UpRaise | Name of UpRaise user |
parentObjective | upRaiseInfo | Object | This object consists of data points that are available about the user within UpRaise's company directory. |
upRaiseInfo | ownerDesignation | Object | This object consists of data points that are available about the user's designation within UpRaise's company directory. | |
upRaiseInfo | id | Number | Designation id in UpRaise's company directory | 1, 2, 3, 4.,etc |
upRaiseInfo | name | String | User facing designation in UpRaise's company directory. |
upRaiseInfo | ownerTeams | Object | This object consists of data points that are available about the user's team within UpRaise's company directory. |
ownerTeams | id | Number | Team id in UpRaise company directory. | 1,2,3,4, etc |