How do I manage project restrictions in UpRaise?

How do I manage project restrictions in UpRaise?

There are a few points in UpRaise where it can link with Jira projects through issues.

  • Issue detail page has UpRaise panel that displays feedback exchanged on that issue as well as any objectives where that issue is a key result.

  • Feedback messages & requests can be optionally associated with Jira issues.

  • Objectives in UpRaise can have Jira issues as key results.

All these points of connection can be controlled through the 'Project Restrictions' config. By default, all these 3 configurations will be set to default enabled. 

Navigate to Settings >> Project restrictions tab for this setting.

Issue detail Page 

This setting controls whether UpRaise panel is available on the issue detail page for given projects. By default it is enabled for all projects, one can add exceptions in the lower half to disable it for certain projects. Vice versa, if it is disabled for all projects - you can enable it for certain projects.


Continuous feedback 

This setting controls whether continuous feedback in UpRaise can be associated with issues in given Jira project. By default it is enabled for all projects, one can add exceptions in the lower half to disable it for certain projects. Vice versa, if it is disabled for all projects - you can enable it for certain projects.

If project restrictions are imposed after there are already a few feedback messages against a project, those feedback messages will remain intact. Only that, the newly created feedback messages cannot be associated with issues in that project.

Objectives & KR

This setting controls whether objectives in UpRaise can be associated with Jira issues as key results/Jira issues as actions in KRs. By default it is enabled for all projects, one can add exceptions in the lower half to disable it for certain projects. Vice versa, if it is disabled for all projects - you can enable it for certain projects.

If project restrictions are imposed after there are already a few Jira issues as key results/action in KRs, those KRs/actions will remain intact. Only that, the newly created key results/actions cannot be associated with issues in that project.


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