How to bulk sync Jira users with UpRaise company directory?
Sometimes, you might find that your system is misbehaving and not showing the actual statuses of Jira users in UpRaise company directory. This might happen because of some other software integration with your Jira instance or any other performance issue.
You might see that a few users are active in Jira but UpRaise has marked them inactive/deleted & vice a versa. In such situations, it becomes a painful job for UpRaise admins to manually sync every user & update the status. That is why we have introduced 'Bulk sync with Jira' option in UpRaise company directory.
Click on this 'Bulk sync with Jira' option
Select the UpRaise status you want to sync with Jira & click on sync
This trigger syncs all users in one go for the selected status. Use this action to synchronize users data in UpRaise company directory with Jira. This is required only when you think there is an inconsistency. Otherwise, UpRaise user data is updated periodically.
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