Feedback On Independent work, Jira issues and OKRs

Feedback On Independent work, Jira issues and OKRs

UpRaise allows to give and request feedback on Independent work, Jira issues and OKRs (Objectives and KRs). Read Manage feedback (Give, Request, Respond, Edit, Delete, ) to understand how to give and request feedback. In this document we will talk about Feedback On field from the Give and Request feedback pop-up.

From all of the options shown in below image, Independent work option is default to give/request feedback on. All other options (Jira issue, Objective, Key result) are configurable. These options will be available on give/request pop-up only if they are linked. Read Manage tab - continuous feedback | Feedback links for more details.


Feedback on.png
Feedback on1.png

Independent work

As it is self explanatory. One can give or request feedback that is independent of Jira issues and OKRs. For example, a team member has taken some extra efforts to document a process that might help other users and new employees to refer. This is not related to their OKRs and not to Jira issues. In such a case use Independent work option.

Jira Issues

This allows you tie feedback with Jira issues. One can search for Jira issues using JQL, summary, issue ID, etc.

If Jira project is disabled to be associated with UpRaise feedback then issues from the respective project are not displayed in search results and cannot be associated with feedback.

Once the feedback is tied with a Jira issue, it is also displayed on the Jira issue’s glance view.

In above image, notice that one can give and request feedback from Jira issue page as well. This means, one need not to go to UpRaise to give/request feedback or even to check associated feedback with the certain Jira issue.


This option is associated with OKR module of UpRaise. One can give or request feedback on the Objective.

Below image displays the Activity section of the objective page. This section has a Feedback tab that lists all feedback for that objective. One can directly give and request feedback from the objective detail page.


Key Result

Like objective, you can associate feedback with key results. Once you select KR, KR owner is auto-selected for About field. Complete other information on the give/request feedback pop-up and Save.


One can see associated feedback on Feedback tab of the KR detail page. Also, feedback can be given/requested right from the KR detail page.