Browse OKRs

Browse OKRs


Browse OKRs page, within the UpRaise app, is the place where all the OKRs can be looked at in a list or a thumbnail view. This page offers the possibility to explore these OKRs in various ways by relying on ‘Views’. Here we learn more about how to use this Browse OKRs page to our advantage.

Browse OKRs tab makes it possible to view different groups of OKRs in one go. It could be as basic as ‘All objectives ever created in my company’ or as complex as ‘Customer Success team’s objectives that are due this month & are at risk'.


Create view

At the top right corner, there is a drop-down menu that shows different lists of OKRs. In UpRaise they are called as OKR views. On the dropdown, there are three sections -

  • Default views - Can be managed from the Manage tab. Read Default views

  • My views - These can be created by logged in users for private or shared use or as public views

  • Views shared with me- Views that are created by others and shared/made visible for the logged-in user


Create new OKR view

Let us see how a logged-in user can create a Private or Shared OKR view.

For example - A manager of a team wants to see their team members all OKRs for Q4. This view should display the last punch-in date, current confidence score and status. Also, the latest comments on respective OKRs should surface. The view should also display names of the objective and KR owners, current progress %. In this case, below are the steps to create view and use different filters.

  • Click on Create view

  • On the create view pop-up, apply relevant filters. Check the image below

  • And columns are as below -

  • Name the view. Define the visibility whether it is a private view or needs to be shared with all/selected users and teams.

    • If shared, for other users this view will be displayed under Views shared with me section in the dropdown

  • Once saved, this view displays the relevant OKRs with chosen data points.

Available Filters within the view creation pop-up

  • Results - Number of results to be displayed in one page for the given view

  • Level - Level of objective/s

  • Objective Cycle - Relevant objective cycle status or specific cycle from the drop-down

  • Owner - Select the relevant type of user or you can also select users in bulk by clicking on the search icon that appears after selecting 'select users' option in the drop-down

  • Status - Objective status/es

  • Labels - Select a relevant option from the drop-down and then select appropriate labels to get the objective list classified based on labels

  • Objective start date - From the drop-down, you can select any objective start date or you can select different range of dates or durations to get specific results

  • Objective due date - From the drop-down, you can select any objective due date / you can select different ranges of dates/durations to get specific results

  • Title - Objective title

  • Objective progress % - Define the range of objective progress %

  • Last punch-in - This helps you filter OKRs by last punch-in date in different date ranges, durations

  • Objective created by - Filter by objective creators

  • Objective updated by - Filter by who last updated objectives

  • Objective created date - Filter by objective create dates

  • Objective updated date - Filter by objective updated dates

  • Owner’s team - Filter objective by owner’s team. This filter works dynamically for logged-in users showing their teams

  • Confidence status - Filter by confidence statuses like At risk, on track, etc.

  • Objective alignments - Filter whether the type of objective alignments like contributes, not receiving the contribution

  • Custom fields - If you have created custom fields for objectives, you can filter OKRs based on thoseCustom fields.

Please note that the above list of filters may not be exhaustive.

As described in above list, you can make use of any of these filter options to create your own browse OKRs views. Once applied relevant filters click on Save


By default, the system may show only handful of columns. While creating views, one can customize the columns they want to see for the filtered OKRs. On create view pop-up, click on Columns tab. On this tab select the list of columns and set the order of selected columns as you want. Click on Save to save the view with selected columns.


Edit/Delete existing OKR views (filters, columns, visibility)

Once you save these OKRs views, you can edit them when needed. Simply select the view you want to edit. Then click on the edit option. Make the required changes and save.

These changes can be related to filters, columns, or the visibility of the view. Navigate to the relevant tab on the edit pop-up make relevant changes & Save.

Follow the same steps to delete a view.

Edit/Delete options will be available only when you have the necessary permissions.


How to use default on-screen filters?

On-screen filters are a great way to filter your OKRs. These on-screen filters apply to any selected view (be it default/ custom). Check the image below.

First, the data for the selected view is retrieved & then it is further filtered based on an on-screen filter. So you can have a view for ‘Active cycle OKRs’ and then use an on-screen filter for ‘Owner’ to look at OKRs by different owners one by one.


Hide or show on-screen filters

You can hide these on-screen filterby clicking on the filter link at the left top corner of the page. 


Edit on-screen filters

You can also add/remove filter options from on-screen filters or Reset these filters to default.


Filter key results strictly

This is an additional option available under on-screen filters/OKR views. As the name suggests, it applies some strict/exact filtering on the key results

By default if you search OKRs by owner, all key results under an objective show up even if they are owned by others. Say, if you want to see only those KRs that are owned by user X - you combine the owner filter with this ‘Strict’ filter. A typical use case is shared in the below images as an example (for the on-screen filter).

Below image shows the Owner filter where the user name ‘Anand’ is selected. Although only one user as owner is selected system shows -

  • All the objectives owned by Anand along with his own KRs and other user’s KRs in his objectives

  • All the objectives of other users where Anand owns KRs. And this will again show all KRs owned by other users

When it is needed to check only specific user's KRs in their objectives or objectives that are owned by someone else, that need is not fulfilled here.


Whereas, in the below image when Filter key results strictly is used with Yes, strict filtering is applied on OKRs. Meaning, only selected user’s (Anand) all KRs are listed from his own as well as from other users’ objectives.


Similarly, you can apply strict filtering while setting up the OKR views.


Eg. you are creating a public view called My OKRs, where the owner is selected as a logged-in user. Meaning, that every time logged-in user look at this view, they will see their OKRs. If this strict filtering is applied, they will see their KRs in objectives owned by themself or others.

If the filter Strict filtering is already applied to the view, then this on-screen filter is ignored. Relevant messaging will appear on the screen.

When to use this filter on-screen or within view

  • If you have created a view like ‘All objectives’ or ‘My team’s objectives’, in such a case, it is good to let users add on-screen strict filtering as needed, for eg. when they want to see specific user’s OKRs.

  • If the view is created for a specific user or logged-in user, in that case, strict filtering can be added within the view itself and let users utilize a strictly filtered view.

Thumbnail view 

Thumbnail view is just a different representation of the same OKRs visible to you in the list. Views/Filters selection and modification require the same steps mentioned above. However, in the thumbnail view, there is no column selection option as that is not applicable in the thumbnail view. The thumbnail view is displayed with some default objective/key results attributes and you cannot change them. 


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