2017 - Cloud UpRaise for Employee Success (OKRs)
28th December 2017
Objective cycle attributes are cleaned up for better usability. Objectives can be added till & can be edited till parameters are not available anymore.
Bug Fixes
Stored filters on OKR pages did not have company id stored against them. This is now fixed.
27th December 2017
Bug Fixes
Key result reminders were sent even for users of expired UpRaise licenses, that is now corrected.
System threw unknown error while updating roles of some users from Company directory, now fixed.
21st December 2017
Team filter on browse OKR screens was taking some time to load, with this release we've optimized the fetching mechanism to improve loading time.
20th December 2017
Punch-in reminders for key results.
Bug fixes
My forms page showed templates in 'config draft'. That is now fixed.
14th December 2017
Bug fixes
In a corner case, team member response was not visible for self & manager review template.
13th December 2017
Scoring - It is now possible to view average scores on 'my forms' & 'view responses' pages.
Sorting & Filtering - My forms page is now improved for better user experience via sorting & filtering (all the forms whose due date is past 6+ weeks will be automatically marked as historical).
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
08th December 2017
Bug fixes
In case of aligned OKRs, if someone punched in on one - it would count towards all alignments. This is now fixed. Only the original OKR is counted as punch-in for the user.
Alignments were not visible on objective details page in some of the cases.
05th December 2017
Bug fix
Minor bug was introduced after last release that made the 'View Responses' filters non-responsive. This is now fixed.
04th December 2017
View Response UI Redesign -
UI for view responses screen redesigned for better user experience & easy access to reporting.
01st December 2017
Form distribution UI update -
UI for form distribution is modified for better user experience.
03rd October 2017
Bug Fixes
Company directory - issues related to teams
An error was thrown while adding multiple teams against a user
Minor issues in OKR excel export
Exception on open/close distribution backend job
Feedback wasn't visible on user profile in certain cases
05th October 2017
UpRaise Global Search - A search box is now available where one can search for users, teams & OKRs.
Improvement - Now the OKR Excel export contains separate columns for OKR grades.
Bug Fixes
Exception on clone action handled
Ability to delete objective cycle irrespective of its status
Default objective labels are removed for new installs
Issue summary is displayed along with issue id on My Feedback & Insight view pages
Deleted & Inactive users' profile page is no more visible to non-admin users
Blank page is displayed on accessing a deleted objective directly through URL
12th October 2017
UI improvements
Modifications in 'Create New Template' pop-up
Modifications in 'Select Workflow' pop-up
Bulk user search
At all places, where there is a user filter - we now have introduced the bulk user search pop-up. This will allow to apply user filters in a segment. e.g. users with x designation, users from y team etc.
Bug fixes
While creating individual & team objectives, closed objective cycles are not displayed anymore.
Decimal values for metric type KR are truncated in the email
User role is changed automatically on updating a user with no access, from company directory page
13th October 2017
Bug fixes
Objective search in the alignment pop-up was only working on the first word of the objective
Same problem as above on the hierarchy view search filter
24th October 2017
Easy access to calls to actions from user/team profile, my feedback pages
Thumbnails for all available reports
Bug fixes
OKRs & Continuous feedback tabs were available on user/team profile even after the features were disabled
27th October 2017
Following gadgets are now available to be used on Jira dashboards
Team OKR status distribution
Individual OKR status distribution
Team OKR compliance
Individual OKR compliance
Bug fixes
Logged-in user unable to update team column from users tab in company directory page
Page is not refreshed on marking progress from Browse OKR page
31st October 2017
Performance improvements
Browse OKR pages loading time was towards 10ish seconds if the number of OKRs for the company were 100+. That is now addressed by optimizing code at appropriate places.
All OKRs page with 800+ OKRs takes 3-4 seconds to load now.
29th September 2017
Reports in Beta
Review forms - Aggregate view
Review forms - Comparison view
Usage report
Review form activity is now logged under recent activity
Grade column is now available on Browse OKRs page for all OKR listing tabs
22nd September 2017
Bug fixes
Filters were not working on teams tab when paginated
In some cases, one or two direct reports were not displayed on the manager's user profile page
In the team tree view, team lead's name is now suffixed with (TL)
'All' filter was removed from Top Company OKRs filter, on the hierarchy view page
Company objective creation failed in some cases even for a valid due date format
21st September 2017
Company Directory Enhancements
Team listing page is now available
Team profile page is now available
Improvements in user profile page
Bug fixes
An unexpected validation message is displayed on punch in action from OKR listing
Formatting/line breaks not maintained in KR details
Exception in Bulk user search popup on Insight view page
KR detail page edit popup issues
18th September 2017
UpRaise panel redesigned on Issue details page - UpRaise tab on issue details page is reorganized to be more user-friendly. Additionally, an action to link corresponding to issue with an objective in UpRaise is now available within this tab.
Soft Delete introduced for Teams, Designations - Earlier, after we introduced audit for Users, Teams & Designations there was a problem in deleting these entities. This has now taken care of by introducing soft delete.
Bug fixes
Admin section was accessible to non-admin users via direct URLs, which is now blocked
OKR weightage update wasn't working from the listing page
Minor issues in OKR tab on user profile page
13th September 2017
Bug fixes
Hierarchy view, root node & company objectives are not loaded by default
For scheduled company objectives, the start date was not editable
Objective nodes incorrectly repeated in hierarchy view, in specific cases
08th September 2017
New Workflow Images - Performance review workflow images are now revised to match JIRA issue workflow image flavors
Last Punch-in Date on KR Details - KR details page now shows last punch-in date
Team Level Label Change - Team Level is now called 'Type' to avoid confusion with Objective 'level'
Objective Cycle Filter on Hierarchy View - It is now easy to navigate through the hierarchy view by using objective cycle filter, which is only applicable to Team & Individual OKRs
07th September 2017
OKR page filters are retained - Now filters on All OKRs, Individual OKRs, Team OKRs, Company OKRs are retained for every user. Also the last visited tab among them. This offers a better user experience & easy retrieval of data that is frequently needed from these pages.
OKR export to Excel performance - Links removed from the exported OKR Excel to improve the performance of the process.
Navigation links label updates - Performance Reviews & My Reviews are now modified to say 'My Forms'
05th September 2017
KR Details page - Key result details page is now separately available. All the KR history, comments along with other KR details are available on this detail page.
31st August 2017
JIRA Issue Search Pop-up - Pagination introduced in the JIRA issue search pop-up. Adding JIRA issue as a key result process is now accomplished in two steps & more user-friendly.
Description Added for Key Result - Similar to Objectives, key results now have an associated description field. Soon we will be releasing a KR details page. As of today, KRs are listed on Objective details page & there is no separate page for their details.
My OKR was replaced by All OKR - Existence of My OKR page just before the Individual OKR tab ended up confusing a lot of users. We got rid of that confusion by bringing in All OKR page.
Navigation Improvements - OKR navigation is now improved & there is a single link to browse OKRs. Once we implement filter retention, users will be brought to the page they last visited along with applied filters when they click on browse OKRs.
Bug fixes
Minor issues fixed in user-facing company directory.
28th August 2017
Filters on Templates & Distributions - Templates & Distributions pages now can be easily searched via filters.
OKR Sorting in List View - List view of OKRs now allows sorting based on each available data column. Click on the table header, beside a column to sort by that column.
Bug fixes
Minor issues were fixed in the user-facing company directory.
23rd August 2017
User-facing Company Directory -
UpRaise company directory is now available even to non-admin users.
Thumbnail View for Company Directory -
In addition to the list view, now the company directory can be browsed via thumbnail view.
Yet to be Shared section on User Profile -> Continuous Feedback -
The continuous feedback tab on User profile page now displays yet to be shared section.
22nd August 2017
Objective Level Icons Update -
Icons for different levels of OKRs are now updated.
User Profile Changes are Audited -
Any change that happens to the user profile is now audited. It is not yet available in the UI though.
21 August 2017
Team Hierarchy View Enhancements -
Team hierarchy view is now enhanced to display team members, team leads properly. Also, team levels are now indicated with different colors.
17th August 2017
UpRaise Global Search -
Global search box is now available in the UpRaise left-hand navigation. Currently, it only searches users. We will be extending it soon to search Objectives, Key Results & Teams.
Continuous Feedback on User Profile -
User profile page now has an additional tab that displays Continuous feedback relevant to the user.
Visual Cue for Last Punch-in Dates -
Hierarchy view of OKRs now displays visual cues for last punch-in dates.
2nd Release on the same day
OKR Export Improvements -
OKR export file is now downloaded immediately, rather than via email. Additionally, some of the column names are adjusted to be more appropriate.
21st August 2017
Team Hierarchy View Enhancements -
Team hierarchy view is now enhanced to display team members, team leads properly. Also, team levels are now indicated with different colors.
17th August 2017
UpRaise Global Search -
Global search box is now available in the UpRaise left-hand navigation. Currently, it only searches for users. We will be extending it soon to search Objectives, Key Results & Teams.
Continuous Feedback on User Profile -
The user profile page now has an additional tab that displays Continuous feedback relevant to the user.
Visual Cue for Last Punch-in Dates -
The hierarchy view of OKRs now displays visual cues for the last punch-in dates.
2nd Release on the same day
OKR Export Improvements -
OKR export file is now downloaded immediately, rather than via email. Additionally, some of the column names are adjusted to be more appropriate.
11th August 2017
OKR Export Enhancements -
The Excel that is exported for OKRs, now has more data columns & is better formatted.
08th August 2017
Ability to associate scores with review form questions -
You now have the ability to associate numeric scores to questions within review forms.
User Profile page -
As the first step towards building out the entire user-facing company directory, we are releasing the user profile page. Now all of the user display name links on UpRaise pages, take you to the user profile page in UpRaise. This page at the moment lists profile attributes along with OKRs (active, scheduled & past).
OKR sharing can be edited irrespective of objective status -
One of the earlier limitations was, one had to modify sharing via 'Edit' action which wasn't always available. This is now modified & sharing can be modified irrespective of the status of the objective.
UpRaise Panel on Issue Detail Page -
UpRaise panel on the issue detail page is now converted to a tab. This will reduce the number of requests to the UpRaise server.
02nd August 2017
Ability to Sequence Key Results -
You now have the ability to sequence key results within an objective.
Configurations Page & References Removed -
References to the 'Configuration' page are now removed. This page is now replaced by the onboarding wizard.
Project Restrictions -
It is now possible to restrict associating JIRA issues from certain projects with UpRaise OKRs or feedback.
2nd Release on the same day
My Team's Forms -
Pagination was missing from this tab under my forms. That is now fixed.
25th July 2017
Ability to Clone, Move & Carry Forward Objectives -
You can now easily Clone, Move & Carry forward objectives from one cycle to the other. Carry forward is a special action that allows you to continue working on an OKR if it remained incomplete in the previous cycle & still is important enough to be worked upon.
Onboarding Wizard -
On a fresh install, admin user is now taken through the on-boarding wizard.
17th July 2017
OKR Export to Excel -
There is now the possibility of exporting OKRs in an Excel sheet.
Level Attribute is now available for each team -
To make the organization of groups easier, there is now an additional attribute 'Level' for every team. It will allow you to categorize different groups as - Departments, Divisions, Sub-divisions, Teams, etc.
11th July 2017
Special handling for Epic type of Key Result - Progress % of epics when they are key results is handled uniquely, based on resolution of issues contained within that epic. Other issues continue to behave as before.
My Feedback UI Update - New layout for My Feedback page is available now.
29th June 2017
Date & Time settings - All the dates & times in the application are stored, displayed, and formatted based on the newly introduced section on the General Settings page. Note that, this is only available for Cloud version since API is not available from JIRA cloud to retrieve these settings.
Export to CSV for Review Forms - Now responses to review forms can be exported easily in the form of CSV files
20th June 2017
Bug fixes
When OKR is shared explicitly with 2 members of the same team, it wouldn't be visible to them.
Add objective action was not visible to non-admin users, when system had no objectives.
Text overlap issues on company directory.
Insight view bug fixes.
07th June 2017
Role/Profile Update Notifications - Emails for role/profile updates are now combined. Before, system used to generate two emails every time role of the user was modified.
Blank History - For some of the objectives whose owner was modified, some portions of history used to show up blank. That is now fixed retroactively.
01st June 2017
Super Admin - A new role 'Super Admin' is now introduced within the UpRaise company directory. It is not mandatory for an instance to have a super admin. Super admin roles get additional visibility into things even which are not shared with them. Everything within UpRaise is available to Super admins. Make use of this power with utmost responsibility.
OKR Hierarchy View Enhancements - Minor UI changes & some UX enhancements by adding filters to the hierarchy view.
Company Directory Filters - Some of the company directory filters were not working properly for deleted & inactive users. This is now fixed.
09th May 2017
Bug fixes
Bug that caused distribution to repeat itself every day is now squashed
Other minor bug fixes & improvements
18th May 2017
Company Dashboard - Company OKR progress gadget, Team OKR progress comparison gadget, Recent activity & Feedback trends.
Review Forms UI Fixes - Minor UI fixes in review forms module.
Server-Side Validations - Server-side validations on different OKR actions to avoid any redundant & incompatible actions.
24th April 2017
General Settings - Now, even in the cloud version of UpRaise - there is the possibility of switching on/off the features to match your needs. This is available via 'General Settings' page available to UpRaise administrator.
Review Form Enhancements - Review forms are further enhanced for better performance. Maximum number of instances in a review form distribution are capped at 250. Emails on all review form-related events are handled.
Bug fixesOther minor bug fixes.
11th April 2017
Bug fixes
Bug fixes related to OKR punch-ins, the ability to add alignment & KRs based on objective status.
Bug fixed which caused progress % to fall back to 0 on edit, if there are no associated KRs.
Dialog box changes across the app.
04th April 2017
@ mention performance improvements - Previously when someone used mention feature within UpRaise, the system used to flip through all available users. Which leads to a bit of slow down in performance, although not very noticeable to the end user. This is now fixed & only 5 users are retrieved at a time.
30th March 2017
Pagination on users listing - Users listed on 'Users' tab of company directory page, until now were loaded at once. To speed up page rendering & application performance, we now have introduced pagination on users tab. By default, 25 users are displayed on one page.
28th March 2017
Bug fixes
Bug fix - Bug fixed that caused the license details in 'About UpRaise' pop-up to be empty.
27th March 2017
Tabular view for Teams - Up until now, the cloud version of UpRaise only allowed creation/modification of teams via the 'Tree view'. Now the same could be achieved via a Tabular view. Also, this restful table will be the default view while accessing team tab.
Pagination for Forms - To enhance the performance, now forms are listed on multiple pages. This not only expedites the page load speed but also helps in easily organizing the data. This is now available on user-facing as well as UpRaise admin-facing screens.
Form Distribution Limit - When one tried to distribute a form to a lot of users simultaneously, the system became slow at times. To avoid this slowdown, we have imposed a limit of maximum 250 entries in one distribution.
About & Docs links in the top menu - Now the top UpRaise menu allows quick access to help documentation as well as the UpRaise license details for your JIRA instance.
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes.
09th March 2017
Tech Debt - Code base for all the modules was refactored in order to be more robust & to be able to support UpRaise standalone version.
JIRA issue as a Key Result - There was a bug that caused 'Shared with' value of an objective to change if an associated key result got updated. That is now fixed. Affected objectives are fixed retroactively.
Review Forms UI - Admin-facing UI for review forms & distributions is now modified to be more organized & intuitive. Forms now consist of Templates & Distributions. Both of them are listed separately so that it is easy to manage them.
Bug fixesOther minor fixes.
8th February 2017
OKR Charts on My Dashboard - My Dashboard page is now enhanced to provide insights into 'My OKR' section. This section displays stats about Own as well as Contributing OKRs.
Ability to Delete a Distributed Form - Up until now, the system only allowed deletion of forms that were yet to be distributed. From now on, all forms - including distributed ones can be deleted. Do keep in mind that all associated distributions will also be deleted along with the form.
Insight View CSV Export - One can now export the visible data from the insight view screen. This should help power users to manipulate & filter data within an Excel sheet.
Feedback on Issue Detail - Continuous feedback if edited used to disappear from issue detail page. That bug is now quashed.
JIRA Issue as KR Owner - Assignee of the JIRA issue did not appear as KR owner, until now. In this release, system automatically listens to any changes in the JIRA issue assignee.
17th February 2017
Ability to Restrict Company & Team OKR Visibility - Company & Team OKRs were forced to be public (visible to all UpRaise users) until now. With this release, one can restrict this visibility just like individual OKRs - by using Shared with attribute.
Sorting of Objectives on Listing Pages - Fixed a sorting issue to make sure OKRs are listed according to their status. If available on the screen, following sequence will be used - (In Progress, Ready, Ready For Grading, Scheduled, Closed, Abandoned)
Team Hierarchy Issue - For some of the customers, Team Hierarchy wasn't loading because the 'Root' node wasn't inserted. This upgrade quashes this bug.
JIRA Issue Search Failures - Some edge cases were responding erroneously when searching JIRA issue to turn it into a key result. That is now resolved.
Bug fixes
Other minor fixes.
30th March 2017
Pagination on users listing - Users listed on 'Users' tab of company directory page, until now were loaded at once. To speed up page rendering & application performance, we now have introduced pagination on users tab. By default, 25 users are displayed on one page.
28th Mar 2017
Bug fixes
Bug fixed that caused the license details in 'About UpRaise' pop-up to be empty.
27th March 2017
Tabular view for Teams - Up until now, the cloud version of UpRaise only allowed creation/modification of teams via the 'Tree view'. Now the same could be achieved via a Tabular view. Also, this restful table will be the default view while accessing team tab.
Pagination for Forms - To enhance the performance, now forms are listed on multiple pages. This not only expedites the page load speed but also helps in easily organizing the data. This is now available on user-facing as well as UpRaise admin-facing screens.
Form Distribution Limit - When one tried to distribute a form to a lot of users simultaneously, the system became slow at times. To avoid this slowdown, we have imposed a limit of maximum 250 entries in one distribution.
About & Docs links in the top menu - Now the top UpRaise menu allows quick access to help documentation as well as the UpRaise license details for your JIRA instance.
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes.
09th March 2017
Tech Debt - Code base for all the modules was refactored in order to be more robust & to be able to support UpRaise standalone version.
JIRA issue as a Key Result - There was a bug that caused 'Shared with' value of an objective to change if an associated key result got updated. That is now fixed. Affected objectives are fixed retroactively.
Review Forms UI - Admin-facing UI for review forms & distributions is now modified to be more organized & intuitive. Forms now consist of Templates & Distributions. Both of them are listed separately so that it is easy to manage them.
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes.
17th February 2017
Ability to Restrict Company & Team OKR Visibility - Company & Team OKRs were forced to be public (visible to all UpRaise users) until now. With this release, one can restrict this visibility just like individual OKRs - by using Shared with attribute.
Sorting of Objectives on Listing Pages - Fixed a sorting issue to make sure OKRs are listed according to their status. If available on the screen, following sequence will be used - (In Progress, Ready, Ready For Grading, Scheduled, Closed, Abandoned)
Team Hierarchy Issue - For some of the customers, Team Hierarchy wasn't loading because the 'Root' node wasn't inserted. This upgrade quashes this bug.
JIRA Issue Search Failures - Some edge cases were responding erroneously when searching JIRA issue to turn it into a key result. That is now resolved.
Bug fixesMinor bug fixes.
08th February 2017
OKR Charts on My Dashboard - My Dashboard page is now enhanced to provide insights into 'My OKR' section. This section displays stats about Own as well as Contributing OKRs.
Ability to Delete a Distributed Form - Up until now, the system only allowed deletion of forms that were yet to be distributed. From now on, all forms - including distributed ones can be deleted. Do keep in mind that all associated distributions will also be deleted along with the form.
Insight View CSV Export - One can now export the visible data from insight view screen. This should help power users to manipulate & filter data within an excel sheet.
Feedback on Issue Detail - Continuous feedback if edited used to disappear from issue detail page. That bug is now quashed.
JIRA Issue as KR Owner - Assignee of the JIRA issue did not appear as KR owner, until now. In this release, system automatically listens to any changes in the JIRA issue assignee.
30th January 2017
My OKRs - There were some rough edges around how the query behaved. When the logged in user didn't own any KR, the results would be returned empty. This is now fixed & data is returned properly.
Objective Sharing - By default the objective was being shared with its owner. This is now corrected so that objective is not shared with the owner unless intended.
Hierarchy View Metric KR progress - When the starting value of a metric KR is 0, its progress wasn't updated specifically in the hierarchy view. That bug is now crushed.
18th January 2017
Metric progress bug fix - When a metric type of key result started with 0 (starting value as 0) the system wasn't calculating progress irrespective of the current value. The formula for calculation has been corrected.
UpRaise Admin in Performance review - Earlier UpRaise Admin in the performance review form template was turning non-editable once closed. That condition has been removed & now that user can be edited at any time.
17th January 2017
OKR Hierarchy View - One of the highly requested features in UpRaise. The hierarchical view for OKRs is now released in Beta. We are gathering more feedback on the server version for this view & will continue to improve the cloud version in line.
Weightage Update - Ability to update the weightage for KR was missing from the list view. Now that is corrected.
Main Menu Verbiage Update - The main menu is now updated to reflect appropriate verbiage.