UpRaise default dashboard

UpRaise dashboards are designed to provide statistics for the OKR and company directory modules. The dashboards are the easiest way to display the statistics and charts that are specific to a particular team.o a particular team.o a particular team.

UpRaise provides Deafult dashboard and custom dashboards. Let us talk about the default dashboard here in this document,

Default dashboard

When user navigates to dashboards from the main/side menu. they land on a default dashboard if you have not created your custom dashboard.



Let us see what all details this default dashboard is showing

Numbers at the top of the page


This section provides an overview of several key attributes within UpRaise, including the total number of active users, objectives at all levels, key results, feedback messages exchanged, and forms in the system. It offers insights into the organization's effective utilization of the system and enables monitoring of growth trends over specific periods.

Top company OKRs progress

In this section, the top displays the current status of the top company OKRs. It indicates the number of OKRs that are on track, lagging, or at risk (for OKRs in progress or ready status at the peak of the objective hierarchy). This data is also visualized in a chart showing the overall percentage of completed OKRs. It is important to note that this information pertains solely to OKRs at the company level, specifically the top ones in the objective alignment/hierarchy.

Further down in the image, you will find numerical data. This includes the total count of company objectives at the highest level, the total number of KRs associated with those objectives, and the number of objectives aligned at the same or lower levels.

By clicking on the View all link, you can access the company OKRs on the browse OKRs page. To update or collapse this section, simply hover over the top right corner.

Team OKRs

In team OKRs section, there are two different views i.e. progress view and confidence view. 

Progress view

In this view, one can see the overall progress of team-level goals across the company. Mouse over on the progress bars and you will see the average progress of all OKRs assigned to that specific team.

Mouse over at the top right corner of the section to refresh or minimize this section.  This section is handy for comparing progress made by different teams on their respective team OKRs.

Confidence view

In this view, one can see the confidence statuses of team OKRs across the company. Once you hover over each bar in its different color sections you will be able to see how many OKRs are at risk, on track, or lagging in each team. 

Being the deafult dhasboard all the stats and charts shown above are system default. If you wish to create customised dashboards read .

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