Sometimes teams release software at the end of every sprint, or they may just want to generate the release notes generated from a sprint. ARN has got your back here as well.
Recently, ARN added support for [sprintId] & [sprintName] variables. You can use these inputs variables in the JQL & the app will let you select sprint/s instead of versions.
This is how to form your JQLs in ARN templates -
issueType=story and Sprint = [sprintId]
issueType=story and Sprint = [sprintName]
Now at the time of release notes generation, ARN will ask you for a sprint & not a version.
You can also generate release notes in ARN from multiple sprints. Just append the variables with 1, 2 & so on (i.e. [sprintId], [sprintId1], [sprintId2] etc). For Eg. -
project=[projectId] and issueType=story and fixVersion in ("[sprintId1]","[sprintId2]","[sprintId3]")
Only way to provide Sprint IDs or names to a rule is when executing the rule manually or with the Sprint completed trigger.
If the number of Sprints provided to the template are more or less than sprint variables in the template, generated results may not match your expectations.