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What type of questions can be added using the form builder? v3.8.4 (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
What is Jira issue tab on view form page? (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
Tracking of user activities of the distributed form (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
How to add email reminders while distributing a form? (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
How does score calculation work in all UpRaise forms (without sections)? (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
How to check number of distributions and their statuses? (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
What are the open, close actions on a distribution? (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
What are the different statuses of a distribution? (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
How can I delete a distribution? (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)
How can I schedule a distribution? (UpRaise for Employee Success - Documentation)