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Create alignments
Objectives can be aligned in two ways.
Contributes to
Receives contribution from
Contributes to
When your objective is supposed to contribute to other objectives use this option. One objective can contribute to multiple objectives only if required settings are turned on. Read Alignments for more details.
Open an objective that you want to align >> click on Contribute to >> select relevant objective from suggestions/search it or create new objective.
Receives contribution from
When your objective is supposed to receive contribution from other objectives use this option. One objective can receive contribution from multiple objectives
Edit alignments
Delete alignmentsOpen an objective that you want to align >> click on Receive contribution from >> select relevant objective from suggestions/search it or create new objective.
If the start & end date of selected objective to align does not match with the start & end date of your objective then system shows an error.
Delete alignments
Click on Trash icon and confirm your action to delete alignment.
Adjust weightage
As shown in the image above, click on weight (number). Adjust the weight and update.
What is progress roll up?
Objective alignment is one of the powerful aspects of OKRs. This allows you to move in the one & right direction together. Within UpRaise Higher level objectives can receive contribution from same/lower level. Once objectives are aligned, one can see these alignments visually in Hierarchy view. Visual representation of the alignment of OKRs shows the way progress rolling up from individual OKRs to Company level OKRs.
In the image above, Individual objective 1 contributes to Team objective 2. Whereas this Team objective 2 contributes to Company objective 2 which contributes to Company objective 3. And finally Company Objective 3 contributes to Company objective 1. This roll up can go up to as many levels as required.
Calculation Example
Let us assume that, in the image above, Company objective 3 is receiving contribution from Team objective 1 & Company objective 2. Team objective 1 alignment weightage is 6 & Company objective 2 alignment weightage is 4. In this case, when Team objective 1 progress reaches 100% - Company objective 3 progress goes up by 60%. Similarly, if Company objective 2 had 100% progress Company objective 3 would have impacted with more 40% progress.
Had the weightage for both children objectives been 5 each, it would have impacted the Company objective 3 progress by 50% each.