This is a REST API meant to provide a list of all OKR views accessible to the current user. Users are granted as many permissions as the actual users have through their UpRaise roles.
API Details
This API will require valid authentication & will expect the user API token in the request.
Views in the response will be paginated with max 50 results at the top. If the request has set this parameter to anything more than 50 or less than 1, then the app will treat that value as 50. Users can dictate which page they want to look at by using the startAt & maxResults parameters in the request.
Views in the response are be sorted by their categories & then their IDs. Meaning, Default views will be at the top followed by My views & then Views shared with me (same as they are displayed with app). And within each one of the categories, views whose id is smallest will appear at the top followed by the others.
This REST API always return the views that are related to the user whose token was sent in the request.
Error handeling
Missing API token
errorMessage - This API requires authentication. Please add your API token in the request.
Should be handled at the API authentication layer.
Invalid API token
errorMessage - The API token in the request is invalid. Please use a different one.
Should be handled at the API authentication layer.
No OKR views available
errorMessage - There are no OKR views available for this user.
No access to OKR module
errorMessage - This user does not have the permission to view OKRs.