Easiest way to keep track of UpRaise adoption across all users is by using the usage report. What data can be seen on Usage report?
Once you open this report you will see UpRaise usage data by default for all active users for last 30 days.
Usage data is visible only for enabled UpRaise features. For example, if all three features(OKRs, Continuous Feedback & Forms) are enabled then it shows the usage report for all three features together. Else data is available for 1 or 2 features that are enabled.
Use filters to retrieve data based on select users and/or select duration.
Report can be filtered based on filter options shown below options.
Following usage data is available with respect to the Objectives & Key Results feature.
User : This column lists display names of users. If you have not filtered user list manually, then all active users are retrieved by default. (This column is common irrespective of enabled or disabled UpRaise features)
Objectives created : How many objectives are created in given duration by the user.
KRs created : How many KRs are created in given duration by the user.
Progress updated : This column shows how many times OKRs progress is updated by the user in given duration.
Comments : Number of comments added in OKRs by the user in given duration.
Attachments added : Number of attachments added in OKRs by the user in given duration.
Continuous Feedback
Following usage data is available with respect to the Continuous Feedback feature.
Last activity: This column shows last activity date on continuous feedback by the user.
Received: Number of feedback messages received by user in given duration.
Given: Number of feedback messages given by user in given duration.
Requested: This column shows number of feedback messages requested by user in given duration.
Notes: Number of notes user has saved
Comments: Number of comments on OKRs by user in given duration.
Following usage data is available with respect to the Forms feature.
Responded : How many forms user has responded to.
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