Server - 7.0


Version: 7.0

Epics (2)

Priority Key Summary Status
Major AR-2920 Introduce various templates in the template gallery In Progress
Major AR-2765 ARN UI revamp In Progress



  • PDF template - TOC macro additional configurations
  • PDF template - Introduce 'Last page' configuration'
  • Get the id of the page created and then parse that to another action
  • [Template gallery]- Version workload report
  • [UI revamp] - Introduce dashboard tab
  • [Template gallery]- Weekly customer support report
  • [Template gallery]- Release planning report
  • [Template gallery]- Sprint review report
  • [UI revamp] - Template gallery
  • [UI revamp] - Rules listing page
  • [UI revamp] - Template listing page
  • [UI revamp] - Introduce 'Select template type' pop-up


Tasks (4)

  • Output of time tracking fields in seconds
  • 28th June 2024 Release- UI updates
  • ARN app name to be fetched from a single source


Bugs (17)

  • [Template gallery] - With new installation, multiple templates getting inserted in gallery
  • [Weekly customer support report] - For some sections , JQL is not as specified in specs
  • [Rule action] - Add rule action reorder message validation for "confluencePageId" variable
  • [Create rule form] - Unable to create rule with run rule as app user
  • [Template] - Unable to clone global template from the project other than where it is not created
  • Standardize the new icons across the app
  • Server build failing after latest change deployed
  • [Settings] - Helper message not displayed properly.
  • Email rule action stuck in 'in-progress'
  • [Dashboard] - For some of the projects old thumbnail is visible and thumbnail not properly visible for large screens
  • [Template gallery] - Demo pre-release changes for 28th June 2024
  • [Dashboard & template listing] - helper message changes and update in messages.
  • Pre-release meeting changes 20th June 2024
  • [New editor] - "preview unavailable error" for images
  • Unauthorized Clone of Private Project Local Template to Attacker's Project
  • Unauthorized Creation of Rule that Runs as "APP_USER" - Bypass Disabled Feature
  • Unauthorized Cloning of Rules from Private Projects

Raise a ticket on our service desk, if you need any help.