There are a few leave statuses involved depending on the actions taken by users on a leave request. Applied - Leave request that is created by employee, however that is not yet approved by the approver.
Approved - Leave request that is created by employee is approved by approver
Availed - When employee adds any past dated leave request in the system that is marked as availed. There is no need for approval on such leave request.
These two additional leave statuses those can be enabled/disabled on your choice. Read Leave statuses
Availed - past dated - To identify the leaves that were added for the past dates.
Availed - without approval - To identify the leaves that availed without explicit approval.
Canceled- When an employee cancels the applied leave request or approver cancels it for employee, such leave request is marked as canceled.
Rejected - Approver has rejected the leave request for some reason is marked as rejected.