Release Notes (2019-2023)
✅ New features
Persistent login issue; users are repeatedly redirected to the login page 🐞
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
🐛 Bugs
Security bug fixed! 🐛
✅ New features
The ability to vote anonymously is here! 🤩
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
The commenter visibility can now be set through the field mapping settings! 🤩
Add an optional tool tip for the roadmap columns! ℹ️
Use the Actions menu to enable or disable specific email notification! ⚙️
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
JSM agents and administrators can see the email addresses of voters and comment likers! 😎
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
New features
The JQL input box changes its height dynamically! 🤩
Clone a tab when creating or editing a board! 🔁
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
The ability to login via SSO on the roadmap portal is now available! 🤩
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements 🐛
✅ New features
Date field is available to be used as a filter on the roadmap! 📅
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
We've revamped the kanban view for you! 🤩
New and improved issue details page is here! ✨
Navigation between basic and advanced settings is now easier! 🔁
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
The roadmap filters for the list view have been redesigned for easier use! 🤩
Adding filters to the roadmap is now much easier with the redesigned filter configuration! ⚙️
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
Are users submitting duplicate feature requests? The new custom feature request widget helps to reduce this! 🤩
Sort the list of boards alphabetically! 🔠
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
Introducing the new "List view" for the roadmap portal ! 🥳
Labels for all the roadmap portal fields are now dynamic 🏷️
🐛 Bugs
Release notes widget is now loading properly in the roadmap portal ⚙️
🐛 Bugs
Fixed issue where emails were not sent when for exporting comments/votes data 🐛
✅ New features
Ability to map due date to Additional field 2 📌
Simplified board settings UI ⚙️
Ability to filter analytical reports by date 📅
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
Improved UI on the configurations tab 🙂
Now, customize the content of email notifications 📨
🐛 Bugs
Security issue fix 🔐
✅ New features
Now, you can clone a roadmap board 👏
Ability to pin a comment is here 📌
Improved UI on the field mapping tab 🙂
Highlight voted cards 💬
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
🐛 Bugs
Security issue fix 🔐
✅ New features
Customize CSS & HTML on your roadmap portal 🎨
New report - List of active users 🙋
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
🐛 Bugs
Error while loading issues on certain roadmap portal boards 🐞
✅ New features
Ability to like a comment 🖤
Highlight voted cards 🗳️
Link to roadmap portal on the JSM portal 👏
Admin can view all user's activity 📋
Ability to post roadmap portal comments as internal comments 👁️🗨️
🐛 Bugs
Resolved issues in search bar 🐛
🐛 Bugs
Support for Google Analytics 4 ⚙️
Blocking glance view for disabled projects 🚫
Bug fixes & improvements 🐞
✅ New features
Ability to showcase knowledge base from confluence on roadmap portal 📄
Now, see what are the trends on your roadmap portal in reports 📊
Ability to showcase release notes on roadmap portal 🚀
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
Issue cards are now configurable 🤩
Subscribers can unsubscribe from email notification ✉️
Restrict voting to certain columns/rows 🗳️
Users can filter the issues based on various criteria 🎉
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
✅ New features
Custom domain status on board listing page 🔗
My activity menu in admin & JSD agents login
Ability to add board description 🙂
Added support for Components field 🧐
Ability to restrict access to roadmap portal app from specific JSM projects ⛔
Now, create a support ticket right within the app 🛎️
Export votes & comments data to Excel 🥳
🐛 Bugs
Minor bug fixes
🐛 Bugs
Fixed a bug related to mapping of 'Priority' field on roadmap portal 🐞
Corrected email draft sent to board users ✉️
🐛 Bugs
Fixed issue for custom domain getting deleted when board configuration is changed.
Bug fix
Minor bug fixes
New features
Configure a custom domain/subdomain for your roadmap portal
My activity menu in customer login
Ability to hide names of creator & voters from roadmap portal has landed
Added support for Priority field
Bug fix
Subscribe text is immediately updated rather than needing a page refresh.
Atlassian connect spring boot library updated to the latest version
Bug fix
Console error that appeared when a custom Favicon was used is resolved
New features
Subscribe to receive notifications or unsubscribe to stop receiving them, simple
Additional data points available on the roadmap portal
This is the biggest one
One can now configure the roadmap portal field mapping so that 3 additional fields are displayed on the portal. These 3 fields include - Issue type, 1 multi select field (multi-select Jira custom field, fix-version etc) and 1 date picker field (date picker Jira custom field).
New features
Customer comment moderation is generally available. Not every team is comfortable letting their end users add unchecked comments to Roadmap portal. You asked, we delivered. It is now possible to moderate the comments rather than making them live directly.
New features
Votes & Comments are now tied with Roadmap boards. Meaning, if one JSM ticket is displayed on multiple boards - then votes/comments from one board won’t be visible on the other board.
Customer user activity on the roadmap portal is now stored in the database. Soon we will display this information on the UI.
New features
Ability to disable customer comments on Roadmap boards
Improved responsiveness of the Roadmap board on mobile devices
Bug fix
Images included in the Roadmap portal fields now open in a lightbox when clicked, offering a better & detailed view
Comments on the Roadmap board were not displayed in logged user’s timezone, corrected
New features
Ability to integrate Google analytics is here.
Site title is now displayed as Board name | Roadmap portal
Bug fix
Images from multi-line custom fields weren’t being displayed, now fixed
Max length limitations were not handled gracefully, corrected
User without access to the roadmap portal are now navigated to the login page & are shown proper error message
On behalf voting lead to erroneous action of ‘Remove a vote’, fixed
New features
Ability to disable customer comments on Roadmap boards
Main navigation changes & introduction of ‘Help’ tab
In-app knowledge base & release notes widgets
Bug fix
Proper error message wasn’t being displayed when image size (for logos/favicons) exceeded 5 MB, fixed
For restricted boards, Service agents were not able to access the boards unless they were part of the selected organisation. Corrected. Now Service agents automatically get access even if they are not part of the configured organisation or domain
Bug fixes
Glance view actions are now lightning fast
New features
Field mapping is here. Now configure roadmap portal to display custom fields from Jira issues
New features
Roadmap portal is now fully responsive
Comments on the roadmap portal are displayed reverse chronologically for ease of use
Email notifications now display summary of the card rather than its link
Additionally, subject line can also be modified (reach out to our support for this)
Bug fixes
Logo dimensions are now better handled with revised size support
Old URLs are now redirecting to the new URLs, thereby getting rid of any errors in the older URLs
Atlassian recommended QSH related changes are now live
New features
Brand new look & feel for Roadmap portal is here 😍
The roadmap portal UI has now become more polished. It is also one step closer to being a fully responsive experience. The portal configuration allows for dark & light themes to match your brand experience.
New features
Customisable notifications are here 🤟
Notifications originating from the roadmap portal can now be customised/translated. All notifications are listed here. This feature is not available from the UI. Reach out to us via support portal to get help.
New features
Roadmap portal URLs are now modified. No worries, URLs for existing roadmap portals will continue to work as they do today. But the new ones will come in different format. Read below.
New URL structure - (here, amoeboids is coming from your Jira URL and autoreleasenotes is what you can configure)
Old URL structure - (here autoreleasenotes is what you can configure)
New features
Ability to enable/disable vote on behalf of feature from the public portal
Ability to restrict roadmap portal login to certain domains
Bug fix
Sorting wasn't working as expected for specific JQLs, resolved
New features
It is now possible to have custom favicons for each individual boards
Ability to apply sorting is here. Now you can sort by number of votes & comments easily
SD agent comments are now highlighted differently on the roadmap board
In addition to private boards, one can also set up restricted boards that are accessible to users of configured organisations
Bug fix
Voters were receiving duplicated emails, fixed
Bug fix
Roadmap portals with non-English characters were not working as expected, now fixed.
New features
A search box is provided on roadmap portals for easy navigation
SD agents can now add/remove vote on behalf of an existing SD customer
When the ticket description is too long, it is shortened automatically in the drawer view
Bug fix
JSD widget was being displayed without logging in for a private board, now fixed
New features
Roadmap portal now displays card count in each column
All items on the roadmap portal now display issue links when logged in
Customer users are displayed customer portal link & Jira service desk users are displayed Jira links
Minor UI updates in the roadmap item details drawer
Bug fix
Glance view loading was too slow, its performance is now improved
Request creators are also included in notifications
Other minor bug fixes
Multiple security fixes to handle IDOR
Bug fix
Log out action on public roadmap portal wasn’t working, addressed
Project admins were not able to access roadmap portals from within Jira service desk projects, fixed
New features
Roadmap card details are opened in a drawer rather than a pop-up
Now it is possible to set roadmap portal access to ‘Private’ in addition to ‘Public’ and ‘Off’.
Only logged in users can see contents of the roadmap portal in case it is set to ‘Private’.
Bug fix
Sub-domain check was happening only within a specific instance’s roadmap portals, fixed.
Edit/delete comment notifications were incorrect as in they stated ‘added’, addressed.
New features
Now roadmap portal details (name of the board/tab/column) as well as votes/voters/comments can be accessed from the issue glance view.
Voters & commenters are notified via email when a new comment is added via the roadmap portal
Number of votes & comments can be accessed within Jira using relevant entity properties[roadmap_portal_comments].count[roadmap_portal_votes].count
Bug fix
UI for voters list & actual vote/unvote modified to be more in line with traditional experience
Multiple security fixes & enhancements
Bug fix
Using order by in JQL query caused the results to be returned empty, fixed
The app went through a round of penetration testing through a 3rd party & we’ve started to address that cropped up. This one is related to a vulnerability in authorisation, which is now fully secure.
Flickering of the UI when moving the mouse over different cards on the roadmap portal is now gone.
Maintain aspect ratio of the logo uploaded for public roadmap portal
Minor bug fixes & code review comments changes for public roadmap portal changes
Email notifications to configured Jira users on boards - based on voting & commenting activity
Link to Jira issue on roadmap portal item for Jira service desk agents, for ease of use
Ability to configure header on the public roadmap portal
Further security changes based on Atlassian’s requirements
Security changes based on Atlassian’s requirements