General settings - UpRaise Access

General settings - UpRaise Access

All users

When this option is selected, all active Jira users get access to UpRaise. They can access app from the Jira menu or by hitting any link to UpRaise.

If you are using β€˜All users' option, β€˜No access' UpRaise role will not be available while editing UpRaise roles from β€˜Users’ tab of 'Company directory’.

User-based access

This option can be typically used when you have a small team using UpRaise. This would turn all user’s UpRaise role to 'No access' (except admin & super admin users). And you need to manually update UpRaise access from β€˜Company directory’ >> β€˜Users tab’ for each user.

Jira group-based access

You can select one or more Jira groups to β€˜Deny/Grant access' to UpRaise. Users who belong to selected group will have access when selected β€˜Grant access’ & will be restricted from accessing UpRaise when 'Deny access’ is toggled.

This setting is the easiestΒ way for companies with >500 users in Jira. It will let you control UpRaise access based on Jira group that users belong to.


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