Usage report

Usage report

What is Usage report

Usage reports shows all the numbers around how users are utilizing the app. This report is typically used to understand the adoption of the app. When you open this report, you will see that the numbers are shown for all active users for last 30 days by default.

The data is displayed based on enabled UpRaise features. For example, if all three features (OKRs, Continuous Feedback & Forms) are enabled then it shows the usage report for all three features together.


  • Users - You can select individual user/s otherwise all users data is displayed by default.

  • Status - You can check the usage data based on user status(Active, Inactive, Deleted).

  • Duration - You can select the duration to check the usage data within specific duration.

  • From & To - Or you can select From & To dates for any required duration.

Usage data based on UpRaise Features


  • Okr created - Number of OKRs user has created.

  • Kr created - Number of KRs user has created.

  • Progress update - Number of progress updates made on OKRs.

  • Comment - Number of comments user has added for OKRs.

  • Attachment - Number of attachments user has added within OKRs.


  • Received - Number of feedback user has received.

  • Given - Number of feedback user has given.

  • Requested - Number of feedback user has requested.

  • Notes - Number of feedback notes user has created.

  • Comments - Number of comments user has added for feedback.


  • Responded - Number of forms user has responded to.

Export Usage data

With the icon in the top right corner, you can export all/filtered data to excel.




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