What is team OKRs compliance gadget?
What is team OKRs compliance gadget?
Anand Inamdar
Owned by Annu
Setting up team OKRs compliance gadget
Once you add this gadget on your dashboard, it will appear in setting mode as shown in the image below.
This allows you to select team/s so you will see the data for team OKRs compliance of selected team/s.
Once you add the gadget you will be able to see data as shown in this image.
What all information is shown in this gadget?
- This gadget shows the numbers around compliance of objectives at team level within selected objective cycle for selected team/s.
- If there is only one active objective cycle, it will be automatically selected while loading the gadget.
- If there are more than one active objective cycles, a filter within the gadget will allow you to select an objective cycle.
- Following elements are shown
- Average per team
- It shows average number of team level objectives for selected teams within selected objective cycle. Ideally, every team should have at least a couple of objectives in the objective cycle.
- No Individual objectives
- This section shows the total number of teams who do not have any team level objective from selected team/s within selected objective cycle. Lesser the number, better it is.
- Contributing
- This section shows what % of team objectives (for selected teams) in this cycle are contributing to other higher or same level objectives. Higher this percentage value, better it is.
- Receive contribution
- what % of team objectives (for selected teams) in this cycle are receiving contribution to other higher or same level objectives. Higher this percentage value, better it is.
- Average per team
How to edit this gadget?
- Editing objective cycle
- Click on objective cycle drop-down and select the objective cycle. (Only active cycles are listed)
- Editing team list
- Click on a drop-down arrow at the right side of gadget window.
- Click on edit.
- Click on team names you want to select, use control key on the keyboard for multi-select.
- Select refresh intervals (if needed).
- Click on Save option.
How to delete this gadget?
- Click on the drop-down arrow at the right side of gadget window.
- Click on delete.
- You will be asked to confirm action.
- Once clicked on OK, gadget will be deleted from your dashboard.
On this page
In this section
- Dashboards
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