Get all teams

Use below endpoint to get team details. 

  • Syntax - <Jira base URL>/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/getteams
  • Example -

If the team is deleted team or inactive or not available in UpRaise company directory, relevant message will be returned. 


  • Just use above endpoint, no other request parameters are needed for this API.


Possible vaules

idNumberId of the team within UpRaise company directory.1, 101, 12001 etc

nameStringUser facing name of the team.
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Development

descriptionStringUser facing description of the current team.

StatusStringUpRaise status of the team
  • Active
  • Inactive

This object consists of all details of team type
  • id 
  • name
typeidNumberTeam type id1, 2, 3, 4, etc
typenameStringTeam type name
  • Department
  • Projects

parentTeamObjectThis object consists of all details about the parent team of the current team.
  • id
  • name
  • description
parentTeamidNumberId of the parent team within UpRaise company directory.1, 101, 12001 etc
parentTeamnameStringUser facing name of the parent team.
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Development
  • etc
parentTeamdescriptionStringUser facing description of the parent team.
parentTeamtypeObject This object consists of all details of parent team's type
  • id
  • name
typeidNumberTeam type id1, 2, 3, 4, etc
typenameStringTeam type name
  • Department
  • Projects

unitObject This object consists of all details of UpRaise unit to which the current team belongs to
  • id
  • name
unitidNumberUnit id1, 101, 12001 etc
unitnameStringUnit nameAny unit name of the organization

StatusStringUpRaise status of the team
  • Active
  • Inactive