Videos - Company directory

Videos - Company directory

Employee Success access

Employee Success access for all users

Recent changes those may differ from a few screens in this video & the latest version of the app

Recently we have deprecated the Jira users auto-import function. Now UpRaise allows you to import different Jira groups within UpRaise and then further user access can be managed as it is. Check How to import Jira users to UpRaise? for more details. 

User-Based access to Employee Success

Recent changes those may differ from a few screens in this video & the latest version of the app

Recently we have deprecated the Jira users auto-import function. Now UpRaise allows you to import different Jira groups within UpRaise and then further user access can be managed as it is. Check How to import Jira users to UpRaise? for more details. 

Jira group-based access to Employee Success

Recent changes those may differ from a few screens in this video & the latest version of the app

Recently we have deprecated the Jira users auto-import function. Now UpRaise allows you to import different Jira groups within UpRaise and then further user access can be managed as it is. How to import Jira users to UpRaise? for more details. 

User management

Add a new user in Employee Success

Edit user attributes

Search existing users

Delete existing users from Employee Success

What is the use of self-service option 

User profile attributes

Employee Success user roles and their access rights

Change user role 

Add New designation 

Edit designations

Delete designations

Team management 

Types of team views within Employee Success

Team profile

Recent changes those may differ from a few screens in this video & the latest version of the app

In the recent update, we have made some changes in team profile page. Now team profile page is revamped with a new tab called 'team members' that list downs all team members. Check What is team profile? for more details.

Add new team from listview 

Recent changes those may differ from a few screens in this video & the latest version of the app

As per recent update, you can also sync your UpRaise teams with Jira groups while creating a new team. Check How to sync UpRaise teams with Jira groups? for more details.

Delete a team from list view

Search for existing teams within team directory

Edit team from listview

Add or delete team members from listview

Add a new team from treeview

Recent changes those may differ from a few screens in this video & the latest version of the app

As per recent update, you can also sync your UpRaise teams with Jira groups while creating a new team. How to sync UpRaise teams with Jira groups? for more details.

Edit team from treeview

Delete a team from treeview 

Publish Company Directory 

Publish a user directory to non-admin users

Publish teams directory to non-admin users