Email notifications



Trigger Time


Email Receiver


UpRaise Version


Trigger Time


Email Receiver


UpRaise Version

Installation, UpRaise access & user profile changes

Installation of UpRaise app

Immediately after action

To notify Jira admin about successful installation of UpRaise

Jira admin

When Jira admin installs UpRaise


Invitation for Pilot

Immediately after action

To notify users that they are given access to UpRaise pilot instance

A Jira user who got access 

He should be a Jira user 


Removal from Pilot

Immediately after action

To notify users that their UpRaise access to pilot instance revoked

A Jira user whose access was revoked 

He should be a Jira user 


UpRaise access given for the first time

Immediately after action

To notify user that they have been given UpRaise access

Any Jira user who becomes UpRaise user

User should be a Jira user 


UpRaise role change

Immediately after action

To notify user that his role has been changed or UpRaise access restricted/given

Any UpRaise user

There should be a change in UpRaise roles as below:

  • UpRaise user role is given or restricted 

  • UpRaise Admin/super admin role is given or revoked


One & only super admin deleted/inactive

To notify other admins that there is no super admin in the system

All UpRaise admins

One & only super admin is deactivated/deleted from JIRA


Profile changes

Immediately after action

To notify user that his profile has been updated. It can be any profile attribute update.

Any UpRaise user

  • User should have access to UpRaise

  • A change in any of the following profile attribute:

    • UpRaise role

    • Manager

    • Designation

    • Team



Individual/Team/Company objective created 

Immediately after action

To notify user that the objective is created for him

Objective owner/responsible user

  • Objective created by other users for me


Individual/team/company objective edited

Immediately after action

To notify user that the objective is edited

  • Objective owner/ responsible user

  • Objective watchers

  • There are different use cases of editing an objective as below:

    • Changes in objective status(closed, carry forward, abandoned)

    • Objective owner is changed

    • Someone started/stopped watching objective

    • Change in title of objective 

    • Change in due date

    • Change in objective cycle

    • Change in objective owner

    • Changes in labels

    • Changes in description 

    • Someone starts or stops watching objective

    • Someone adds or removes new watchers


Individual/Team/Company objective deleted/closed/moved/carried forward/cloned(for same user)

Immediately after action

To notify user that the objective is deleted/moved/carried forward/cloned(for the same user)

  • Objective owner /responsible user

  • Objective watchers

  • Objective deleted/closed/moved/carried forward/cloned(for same user) by other users 


KR created

Immediately after action

To notify user that the KR is created for him

  • KR owner 

  • Objective owner & watchers

  • KR created by other users 


KR edited/deleted

Immediately after action

To notify user that the KR is edited/deleted 

  • KR owner & watchers

  • Objective owner & watchers 

  • Edits in KR attributes

  • KR is deleted by someone 


@mentions in comments on objective detail page 

Immediately after action

To notify users that someone has mentioned them in comments

User whose name is mentioned with at(@) sign

  • One who has access to objective can tag any active UpRaise user in comments

  • If that user is not in shared with list, he will be added after that)


Add  new comments on objective detail page

Immediately after action

To notify users that someone has added comments on objective detail page

Objective owner and watchers 

  • One can make use of comments tab in activity section on objective detail page

  • Everyone who has access to objective can add comments.

  • Every comment will be recorded in comments tab on respective objective detail page


Edit/delete comments on objective detail page

Immediately after action

To notify users that someone has deleted/edited comments on objective detail page

Objective owner and watchers 


@mentions in comments on KR detail page 

Immediately after action

To notify users that someone has mentioned them in comments on KR detail page

KR owner and watchers 


Add new comments on KR detail page

Immediately after action

To notify users that someone has added comments on KR detail page

KR owner and watchers 


Edit/delete comments on KR detail page

Immediately after action

To notify users that someone has deleted/edited comments on KR detail page

KR owner and watchers 


Objective due date is about to reach

8 days before the objective due date

To notify users about the objective due date is about to reach

Objective owners

  • Objective cycle or objective due date is just 8 days away from the current day


 Continuous Feedback

Feedback given

Immediately after action

To notify user that the feedback is given by another user

  • Feedback receiver when feedback is given without Jira issue / Jira issue assignee if feedback is given on Jira issue

  • Users with whom feedback is shared


Feedback shared

Immediately after action

To notify user that the feedback is shared by other user

UpRaise user with whom feedback is shared 


Feedback requested

Immediately after action

To notify user that the feedback is requested for someone

User to whom feedback is requested


Added a new comment on feedback

Immediately after action

To notify user that someone has commented on his feedback 

Feedback receiver


Edite or delete comments on give feedback

Immediately after action

To notify user that someone has edited or deleted comments on his feedback 

Feedback receiver


Feedback edited

Immediately after action

To notify user that the feedback is edited by the user who had given a feedback

Feedback receiver


Feedback deleted

Immediately after action

To notify user that the feedback is deleted by someone

Feedback receiver


Someone initiated conversation by offering help

Immediately after action

To notify user that someone has offered him help

User whom you offered help


Someone initiated conversation by requesting for help

Immediately after action

To notify user/s that someone has requested for help

User whom you requested help


Review forms - Self and manager review 

Form distributed by admin/super admin

Immediately after action

To notify team member that the form has been assigned.

Team member

Form should be distributed by admin/super admin 


Form shared by team member

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been shared & assigned by team member


  • User should selected as reviewer in the review process

  • Form should be shared by team member


Form shared by reviewer

Immediately after action

To notify team member that the form has been shared & assigned to reviewer

Team member

Form should be shared by reviewer 


Form signed  off by team member

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been signed off & assigned by team member


Team member should signs off form 


Form signed-off by reviewer

Immediately after action

To notify HR that the form has been signed off & assigned by reviewer

HR person

Form will be available for Reviewers remarks if no questions there then HR will receive email that form signed off by reviewer


Form reopend by form distributor

Immediately after action

To notify team member that the form has been reopened

Team member

Form is reopened by form distributor


Review forms - Confidential review form (Assinged to UpRaise admin)

Form distributed by admin/super admin

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been distributed by admin/super admin


Form should be distributed by admin/super admin 


Form completed  by reviewer

Immediately after action

To notify admin/super that the form has been completed by reviewer

UpRaise admin/super admin(one who has distribuetd the form)

Form should be completed by reviewer


Form reopenedby admin/super admin

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been reopened by admin/super admin


To notify reviewer that the form has been reopened by admin/super admin


Review forms - Confidential review form (Assinged to reviewer's manager)

Form distributed by admin/super admin

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been distributed by admin/super admin


Form should be distributed by admin/super admin.


Form subimitted for approval by manager

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer's manager that the form has been submitted by reviewer

Reviewer's manager

Form should be submitted by reviewer.


Form completed  by reviewer's manager

Immediately after action

To notify admin/super that the form has been completed by reviewer's manager

UpRaise admin/super admin(one who has distribuetd the form)

Form should be completd by reviewer's manager.


Form reopened by admin/super admin

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been reopened by admin/super admin


Admin/super admin should reopen form.


Review forms - 360 Review (Assign to UpRaise Admin)

Form distributed by admin/super admin

Immediately after action

  • To notify team member that the form has been distributed by admin/super admin(If self-assessment is true)

  • To notify reviewers r that the form has been distributed by admin/super admin(If self-assessment is false)

  • Team member (If self-assessment is true)

  • Reviewers (If self-assessment is false)

Form should be distributed by admin/super admin.


Form completed  by reviewer

Immediately after action

To notify admin/super admin that the form is completed by reviewer

Admin/super admin

Form should be completed by reviewer.


Form reopened by admin/super admin

Immediately after action

  • To notify team member that the form has been reopened by admin/super admin(If self-assessment is true)

  • To notify reviewers r that the form has been reopened by admin/super admin(If self-assessment is false)

  • Team member (If self-assessment is true)

  • Reviewers (If self-assessment is false)

Admin/super admin should reopen form.


Review forms - Survey (Assign to UpRaise Admin)

Form distributed by admin/super admin

To notify reviewer that the form has been distributed by admin/super admin


Form should be distributed by admin/super admin.


Form completed  by reviewer

Immediately after action

To notify admin/super that the form has been completed by reviewerUpRaise admin/super admin(one who has distribuetd the form)


Form should be completed by reviewer.


Form reopenedby admin/super admin

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been reopened by admin/super adminTo notify reviewer that the form has been reopened by admin/super admin


To notify reviewer that the form has been reopened by admin/super admin.


Review forms - Survey  (Assinged to reviewer's manager)

Form distributed by admin/super admin

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been distributed by admin/super admin


Form should be submitted by reviewer.


Form subimitted for approval by manager

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer's manager that the form has been submitted by reviewer

Reviewer's manager

Form should be submitted by reviewer.


Form completed  by reviewer's manager

Immediately after action

To notify admin/super that the form has been completed by reviewer's manager

UpRaise admin/super admin(one who has distribuetd the form)

Form should be completd by reviewer's manager.


Form reopened by admin/super admin

Immediately after action

To notify reviewer that the form has been reopened by admin/super admin


Admin/super admin should reopen form.



Review form reminders

According to selected dates at 12AM

To remind users involved in review process for form completion

All users who are invoved in review process and not completed the form

  • UpRaise admind/super admin (who distributes form should set these reminders).

  • Reminders dates should fall under distribution date and review process end date.


KR punch in reminders

On selected dates at  7AM

To remind KR owners to punch in KR progress

Every KR owner who has enabled these reminders

  • KR punch in reminders should be enabled by admin/super admins from advanced OKR settings.

  • KR owner should enable KR punch in reminders from reminders tab on KR detail page.



Email notification to all UpRaise administrators when a file (user sync) from SFTP is processed.

Daily mail at 11 PM

To notify admins whether the file is synced properly or not

All UpRaise admins

Mail will be sent according to the results after sync is completed i.e.:

  • File synced successfully.

  • File sync failed.
