Manage Profile sections and Profile attributes

Manage Profile sections and Profile attributes

UpRaise has some default user attributes like name, UpRaise role, designations, manager, status. However, when an organisation manages its company directory it is required to have more such attributes that are specific to organisation. To make this possible, profile attributes are useful. Profile sections work as containers for these custom profile attributes and for their segmentation.



Navigate to Company directory >> Profile attributes tab >> Add section


Add Name and Description and click on Create

Edit, Delete, Move up/down

  • Clicking on actions shows three options, Edit, Delete, Move up/down.

    • Edit - Clicking on edit allows to edit name and description of the section.

    • Delete - To delete section, all the attributes need to be removed from the section. Then only sections can be deleted.

    • Move up/down - Use this action to change the order of the section



To create user attributes Navigate to Company directory >> Profile attributes >> Add attribute.

As shown in the below image above listed are the fields for the attribute.

  • Name - Name of the attribute. For eg. Employee id, Employment status, etc

  • Description - Attribute description

  • Type - Select the type based on what type of attribute. Below are the types of fields available -

    • Text field (single line)

    • Text field (multiple line)

    • Select list (single choice)

    • Select list (multiple choice)

    • Date picker (single user)

    • User picker (multiple user)

  • Visible to - This setting is to define who can view the attribute

  • Editable to - This setting is to define who can edit the attribute

Edit, Delete, Move up/down

When editing the attribute, above listed feilds are displayed with the existing information about the attribute. Update requred information and click on Update. Please note, while editing, Type feild cannot be updated once the attribute is created.

Use Move up and Move down option to set the order of attributes within the section. Same order is displayed all over the while searching these attributes at different places in the app like edit user, add user, etc.


All the user information can be exported from the Users tab when needed. Based on selected user segments and filters, one can export required user data in excel.

User profile tab

So the user profile page will look something like displayed in the below image. Default section is the system default that cannot be edited. Rest of the sections highlighted with blue arrows are custom sections with custom attributes. Where you see edit option (pencil icon), it means attributes in that section are editable for the logged-in user.