Manage Templates

Manage Templates

What's explained below is generic & independent of the base template type. Template type specific information will be available in the corresponding articles.



  • Navigate to Forms >> Template >> Create new template

  • On the pop-up, select the relevant template type.

  • Select the workflow

This lands on the Form builder page with there are three tabs on the left side. Each tab has the below explained settings to define a form template.

Form settings

This tab allows some basic template setup, like Template name, Description, and Other settings define whether you want Feedback and issues tab to appear within the form response page for reviewer’s reference. Having these tabs enabled will allow reviewers to have feedback and Jira issue information handy for the team member whom they are reviewing.

Add a Field

Here different types of questions can be added. One can edit and define each of the questions as per requirements. There is no limit on the number of questions one can add to the form.

Field settings

Click on any question in the right-hand section & it will automatically reveal settings for that type of question. These settings will vary based on the selected question type. For example - a section start element will have a different type of settings than a multiple choice question.

Some common settings include -

  • Instructions - Space for additional instructions at the question level

  • Mandatory - If checked, user cannot submit the form without answering the question

  • Add comment box - If checked, the user can put down additional comments for the corresponding question (do note, comment box cannot be made mandatory while responding)

  • Score &  Weightage -  If checked, the system will automatically return a score for that question based on the answer that was selected.

Once the template is ready, click on Save to save the form. Save and next to distribute the form right there. Once the template is distributed one or more times, it cannot be edited. However same template can be cloned and then revised with necessary changes to be used as a different template.

Edit or Delete

Ability to edit a template is available only until the template is distributed. Once distributed, questions in the template cannot be modified.

Navigate to Forms >> Templates >> Click on actions (…) for the relevant template and use the Edit or Delete option as needed.

Numbers displayed under the Distributions column are to identify how many times a template is distributed. If the template is not distributed ever (i.e. the number is 0) then only Edit/Delete options are available.

Other actions

  • Categorize

    • Carogorizing form makes it easy to segment templates. Using this category one can filter out forms easily.

  • View

    • Use this action to view template.

  • Rename

    • Use the Rename action to rename an existing template.

  • Share

    • Templates are visible to creators or users with relevant permissions. In such a case template creator can share template with other users when needed.

  • Clone

    • When needed, existing form can be cloned. Clone the form, make necessary changes if required, and then rename the template and save. This saves time when there is a requirement to create a new template similar to existing ones.

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