


This REST API meant to provide a list of all OKRs from the views based on the view IDs you have provided.

API Details

  • This API will require valid authentication & will expect the user API token in the request.

  • In addition to the API token, the request for this REST API should include the view ID of the OKR view.

Below are the end points for this API based on which UpRaise app you are using

  • Please note that the information returned in the API will depend on the columns that are configured to be displayed in the view.

Important to note that only those OKRs that are visible to the logged in user should be returned in the response.

Request parameters

Response expected from this API endpoint is detailed below -





Possible values




Page number whose results are returned in the response.





This will indicate how many results in total exist for the given search.





In put the unique ID of the view.

1, 2, 450, etc.




Name of the view as is shown in the app interface.

  • My OKR view

  • My team’s OKR views

  • Revenue OKRs




Identifies what category based on he given view belongs to.

  • Default views

  • My views

  • views shared with me

Sample JSON response

Here’s how the response JSON would look like with sample data -

{ "startAt": 0, "maxResults": 50, "total": 1, "dateTimeFormat": "d/MMMM/yyyy h:mm a", "dateFormat": "d/MMMM/yyyy", "results": [ { "id": 29769, "key": "OBJ-94", "title": "Objective title", "description": "Test Description text", "objectiveCycle": { "id": 1200, "name": "Objective cycle title" }, "level": { "id": 2, "name": "Company" }, "owner": { "upRaiseInfo": { "id": 28, "ownerDesignation": { "id": 52, "name": "Team lead" }, "ownerTeams": [ { "id": 5, "name": "QA team" }, { "id": 122, "name": "Developement Team" } ] }, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "startDate": "12/September/2023", "dueDate": "27/September/2023", "unit": { "id": 14, "name": "Alfa" }, "status": { "id": 50, "name": "CLOSED" }, "progress": { "percent": 55.56, "confidenceStatus": { "id": 15, "name": "NOT APPLICABLE" } }, "visibility": { "type": "Shared with selected teams or users", "teams": [ { "id": 119, "name": "Child Team" }, { "id": 118, "name": "Child Child Team" } ], "users": [ { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" } ] }, "labels": [ { "id": 39, "name": "Communication" }, { "id": 40, "name": "Decision making" } ], "creator": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "created": "28/September/2023 12:01 PM", "modifiedBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "modifiedOn": "27/February/2024 6:02 PM", "keyResults": [ { "id": 39680, "key": "KR-183", "type": { "id": 1, "name": "To do" }, "title": "Todo KR title", "description": "Description text", "keyResultOwner": { "upRaiseInfo": { "id": 28, "ownerDesignation": { "id": 52, "name": "Team lead" }, "ownerTeams": [ { "id": 5, "name": "QA team" }, { "id": 122, "name": "Developement Team" } ] }, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "status": { "id": 50, "name": "Completed" }, "progress": { "percent": 100 }, "startDate": "12/September/2023", "dueDate": "27/September/2023", "weightageInPercent": "0.0", "orderIndex": 1, "lastPunchedIn": "", "creator": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "created": "28/September/2023 12:01 PM", "modifiedBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "modified": "27/February/2024 6:02 PM", "parentObjective": { "id": 29769, "key": "OBJ-94", "title": "Objective title" }, "keyResultGrades": [ { "gradeBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "gradedOn": "19/February/2024 8:13 PM", "averageGrade": "Partially achieved", "remarks": "Grade remark text", "gradeModifiedBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "gradedModifiedOn": "27/February/2024 6:02 PM" }, { "gradeBy": { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "gradedOn": "27/February/2024 5:56 PM", "averageGrade": "Partially achieved", "remarks": "", "gradeModifiedBy": { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "gradedModifiedOn": "27/February/2024 5:56 PM" } ], "krActions": [ { "linkId": 12694, "key": "SCRUM-4", "type": { "id": 0, "name": "Jira Issue" }, "issueId": 10013, "keyResultActionOwner": { "upRaiseInfo": { "id": 27, "ownerTeams": [ { "id": 122, "name": "Developement Team" } ] }, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "parentKeyResult": { "id": 39680, "key": "KR-183", "title": "Todo KR title" }, "jiraIssueRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/issue/SCRUM-4" }, { "linkId": 12695, "type": { "id": 1, "name": "Jql" }, "title": "action JQL", "jql": "id=SCRUM-4", "parentKeyResult": { "id": 39680, "key": "KR-183", "title": "Todo KR title" } } ], "customFields": [ { "id": 6, "name": "Deputy owner", "type": "User picker (single select)", "userValue": { "id": 643, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=63e4e80e8978d7a4353e3997" } }, { "id": 7, "name": "Indirect owners", "type": "User picker (multiple select)", "userValues": [ { "id": 17431, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=712020:a3adf756-b1c1-42f0-b840-ca9187fe1c71" }, { "id": 642, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=63e4e793724a5c79c7bca68d" } ] }, { "id": 8, "name": "Extra costs($)", "type": "Numeric field", "numberValue": 5 }, { "id": 402, "name": "Skils", "type": "Select list (multiple choice)", "options": [ { "id": 272, "name": "Java" }, { "id": 273, "name": "Dot net" }, { "id": 274, "name": "SQL" } ] } ], "latestComment": "Latest comment text", "latestCommentBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "latestCommentDate": "19/February/2024 11:11 PM", "isAbandoned": false }, { "linkId": 39682, "key": "SCRUM-3", "type": { "id": 2, "name": "Jira Issue" }, "issueId": 10012, "progress": { "percent": 100 }, "weightageInPercent": "33.33", "orderIndex": 3, "creator": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "created": "28/September/2023 12:02 PM", "modifiedBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "modified": "6/February/2024 11:22 AM", "parentObjective": { "id": 29769, "key": "OBJ-94", "title": "Objective title" }, "keyResultGrades": [ { "gradeBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "gradedOn": "19/February/2024 8:13 PM", "averageGrade": "Achieved", "remarks": "", "gradeModifiedBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "gradedModifiedOn": "19/February/2024 8:13 PM" }, { "gradeBy": { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "gradedOn": "27/February/2024 5:56 PM", "averageGrade": "Partially achieved", "remarks": "", "gradeModifiedBy": { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "gradedModifiedOn": "27/February/2024 5:56 PM" } ], "jiraIssueRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/issue/SCRUM-3" }, { "linkId": 39735, "type": { "id": 3, 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"created": "28/September/2023 12:01 PM", "modifiedBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "modified": "27/February/2024 10:25 AM", "parentObjective": { "id": 29769, "key": "OBJ-94", "title": "Objective title" }, "keyResultGrades": [ { "gradeBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "gradedOn": "19/February/2024 8:13 PM", "averageGrade": "Partially achieved", "remarks": "Kr grade comment text", "gradeModifiedBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "gradedModifiedOn": "19/February/2024 8:13 PM" }, { "gradeBy": { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "gradedOn": "27/February/2024 5:56 PM", "averageGrade": "Not achieved", "remarks": "", "gradeModifiedBy": { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "gradedModifiedOn": "27/February/2024 5:56 PM" } ], "behavior": { "id": 1, "name": "Increase/Decrease" }, "latestComment": "Latest comment text", "latestCommentBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "latestCommentDate": "27/February/2024 10:25 AM", "isAbandoned": false } ], "lastPunchedIn": "27/February/2024 2:36 PM", "customFields": [ { "id": 5, "name": "Evaluation date", "type": "Date picker", "dateValue": "17/January/2024" }, { "id": 6, "name": "Deputy owner", "type": "User picker (single select)", "userValue": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" } }, { "id": 7, "name": "Indirect owners", "type": "User picker (multiple select)", "userValues": [ { "id": 17430, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=63898a7d3e79f12e572462b1" }, { "id": 17431, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=712020:a3adf756-b1c1-42f0-b840-ca9187fe1c71" } ] }, { "id": 8, "name": "Extra costs($)", "type": "Numeric field", "numberValue": 33.32 }, { "id": 402, "name": "Skils", "type": "Select list (multiple choice)", "options": [ { "id": 274, "name": "SQL" }, { "id": 272, "name": "Java" } ] } ], "weightageInPercent": "0.0, 100.0", "latestComment": "latest comment text", "latestCommentBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "latestCommentDate": "19/February/2024 8:07 PM", "grades": [ { "gradeBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "gradedOn": "19/February/2024 8:13 PM", "averageGrade": "Partially achieved", "remarks": "Objective grade remark", "gradeModifiedBy": { "id": 28, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:6bff9833-0415-4eaf-967b-95c4d654bf73" }, "gradedModifiedOn": "19/February/2024 8:13 PM" }, { "gradeBy": { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "gradedOn": "27/February/2024 5:56 PM", "averageGrade": "Not achieved", "remarks": "Grade remark", "gradeModifiedBy": { "id": 27, "jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=557058:bd3f1c08-8fa0-49b0-b105-af0344373542" }, "gradedModifiedOn": "27/February/2024 5:56 PM" } ], "contributesTo": [ { "id": 11929, "key": "OBJ-50", "title": "Contributes to first objective title" }, { "id": 29784, "key": "OBJ-96", "title": "Contributes to second objective title" } ] } ] }

Some points to note

  • This REST API always returns the OKRs in the given views that are related to the user whose token was sent in the request.

  • Max results will be based on the OKR view configurations.

  • OKRs in the response are sorted the same as they are displayed under OKR views in the app. Same is applicable for KRs and KR actions.

Error handling

HTTP status code

Error message


This user does not have permission to view OKRs.

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