This REST API meant to provide access to KR details to the current user. Users are granted as many permissions as the actual users have through their UpRaise roles.
API Details
This API will require valid authentication & will expect the user API token in the request.
Read Create User API token for more details
Base URL - <baseUrl>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/keyresult/{keyResultId}
Below are the sample endpoints for this API based on which UpRaise app you are using
App name | Endpoint |
App name | Endpoint |
UpRaise for Employee Success |{keyResultId} |
UpRaise People |{keyResultId} |
Request parameters
Key result id is needed as input in the endpoint URL.
Sample responses and Parameter details (To do KRs)
Below are samlpe JSON responses and their parameter details based on the selected progress calculation modes of the to do KR.
Sample JSON response
"id": 350827,
"key": "KR-34",
"type": {
"id": 1,
"name": "To do"
"title": "Ensure 100% pass rate of automated regression tests for 80 test cases.",
"description": "",
"keyResultOwner": {
"upRaiseInfo": {
"id": 98136,
"ownerDesignation": {
"id": 901,
"name": "Tester"
"ownerTeams": [
"id": 2802,
"name": "Testing Team"
"id": 2805,
"name": "Attlasian Team"
"id": 2804,
"name": "Product Team"
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"startDate": "19/Mar/24",
"dueDate": "31/Mar/24",
"weightageInPercent": "25.0",
"progress": {
"percent": 0.0,
"confidenceStatus": {
"id": 1902,
"name": "LAGGING"
"confidenceScore": 4.0
"progressCalculation": {
"mode": "Manual"
"status": {
"name": "In Progress"
"orderIndex": 3,
"lastPunchedIn": "20/Mar/24 6:46 AM",
"creator": {
"id": 98136,
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"created": "19/Mar/24 12:51 PM",
"modifiedBy": {
"id": 98136,
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"modified": "20/Mar/24 7:01 AM",
"customFields": [
"id": 67,
"name": "Company Name",
"type": "Text field (single line)",
"textValue": "ABC Pvt. Ltd."
"id": 89,
"name": "Business Unit",
"type": "Select list (single choice)",
"option": {
"id": 80,
"name": "Financial Services"
"id": 90,
"name": "Technologies Used",
"type": "Select list (multiple choice)",
"options": [
"id": 83,
"name": "Selenium"
"id": 85,
"name": "Cypress"
"id": 81,
"name": "Evaluatee",
"type": "User picker (multiple select)",
"userValues": [
"id": 98136,
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"id": 98147,
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=63da09ac010d35637970cff8"
"id": 88,
"name": "Remarks",
"type": "Text field (multiple line)",
"textValue": "Good"
"isAbandoned": false,
"isArchived": false,
"watchers": [
"upRaiseInfo": {
"id": 98136,
"ownerDesignation": {
"id": 901,
"name": "Tester"
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"parentArrayive": {
"id": 131359,
"key": "OBJ-13",
"ArrayiveApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/Arrayive/131359"
"krActions": [
"linkId": 40411,
"key": "TP-17",
"type": {
"id": 0,
"name": "Jira Issue"
"issueId": 10016,
"jiraIssueRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/issue/TP-17"
"linkId": 40412,
"type": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Jql"
"title": "JQL for tracking automation progress",
"jql": "project = TP AND status = Done"
"dateTimeFormat": "d/MMM/yy h:mm a",
"dateFormat": "d/MMM/yy"
Response parameters details
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
| id |
| KR id in UpRaise | 12,45,78, etc |
| key |
| KR key in UpRaise | KR-12, KR-45, KR-78, etc |
| type | Array | This array consists of details about KR types available in UpRaise that are relevant to the given KR ID. |
type | id | Number | Key result type id. | 1,2 |
type | name | String | Key result name in UpRaise. |
Currently APIs do nit support for Jira issue KR and Jira issue KR via (JQL). |
| title | String | KR title |
| description | String | Key result description. | This KR is meant to improve our CSAT rate. We will take necessary actions for the same… on. |
| keyResultOwner | Array | This array consists of details about KR owner. |
keyResultOwner | upRaiseInfo | String | This parameter contains user’s information | All the parameters related to user info like id, designation, team, etc. |
upRaiseInfo | id | Number |
upRaiseInfo | ownerDesignation | String | Details of KR owner’s designation |
ownerDesignation | id | Number | KR Owner’s designation id | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
ownerDesignation | name | String | KR Owner’s designation |
upRaiseInfo | ownerTeams | String | KR Owner’s details |
ownerTeams | id | Number | KR owner’s team id | 1, 2023, 26, etc. |
ownerTeams | name | String | KR owner’s team name | Sales, Operations, etc. |
| jiraUserRestApiUrl | Array | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
| startDate | String | KR start date |
| endDate | String | KR end date |
| weightageInPercent | Number | KR weightage % | 25%, 50%, etc. |
| progress | Array | This array consists of details about KR progress. |
progress | percent | Number | This returns the current progress of the key result. | 10%, 20%, 23.55%, etc. |
percent | confidenceStatus | String | KR confidence status | At risk, On track, etc. |
| id | Number | Confidence status type id in UpRaise | 1,2,3,4,5, etc |
| name | String | Confidence display name in UpRaise |
(First three confidence statuses are customizable and can be anything as per user requirements, last two are system default) |
percent | confidenceScore | Number | Any number from 0-10. Only non-decimal numbers. |
| progressCalculation | Array | This array consists of details about KR progress calculation type | mode |
progressCalculation | mode | String | This defines the selected KR progress calculation mode |
| status | Array | This arry consists of details about KR status |
status | name | String | Name of the KR status when mode of current KR is manual |
| orderIndex | Number | Priority of the current key result as compared to other KRs under its parent Arrayive. | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
| lastPunchedIn | String | Last punch in date and time of the KR | 20/Mar/24 6:46 AM |
| creator | Array | This array consists of details about user who created the KR |
creator | id | Number | UpRaise user ID of the the KR creator | 1, 23, etc. |
creator | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira user Rest API URL | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
| created | Date | Date and time when KR is created | 19/Mar/24 12:51 PM |
| modifiedBy | String | This Array consists of details about user who modified the KR |
modifiedBy | id | Number | UpRaise user ID who modified KR | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
modifiedBy | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira User API URL who modified the KR | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
| modified | Array | Date when KR is modified | 20/Mar/24 7:01 AM |
| customFields | Array | This array consists of details about custom fields associated with KR based on the progress calculation setup |
customFields | id |
| Id of the custom field | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
customFields | name |
| Name of the custom field | Story points, time spent, etc. |
customFields | type | String | The type of selected custom field | Type parameter is to define different types of custom fields -
customFields | textValue | String | This shows the actual text values of the text field type custom fields | Any text value in the field |
customFields | numberValue | Number | This shows the actual number values of the number field type custom fields | Any numeric value in the field |
customFields | options | String | Multiple options in case of field types like multi-select/multi-user | Any text or numeric options under the multi select fields |
options | id | Number | Id of the given options | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
options | name | String | Name of the options |
| isAbandoned | String | This defines whether KR is Abandoned |
| isArchived | String | This defines whether KR is Archived |
| Watchers | Array | This array consists of details about KR watchers |
Watchers | userInfo | String | This consists all details of the user who is watching KR |
userInfo | id | Number | Id of the user who is watching KR | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
watchers | ownerDesignation | String | Details of KR watcher’s designation |
ownerDesignation | id | Number | Designation id of the user who is watching KR | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
ownerDesignation | name | String | Designation of the user who is watching KR |
watchers | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira user API URL of the user who is watchimg KR | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
| parentArrayive | Array | This array consists all details of the parent Arrayive of the KR |
parentArrayive | id | Number | Id of the parent Arrayive | 1, 23415, 2324, 56, etc. |
parentArrayive | key | String | UpRaise key of the parent Arrayive | obj-1, obj-2, obj-3, obj-4, etc. |
parentArrayive | objectiveApiUrl | String | API URL of the parent objective | <baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/objective/131359 |
| krActions | Array | This array consits all details of the KR actions within current KR |
krActions | linkeid | Number | Jira issue linked id in UpRaise | 1099, 29, 3456, 40412, etc. |
krActions | key | String | Jira issue key | AR-12, PG-1315, etc. |
key | type | String | KR action type |
type | id | Numebr | KR action type id |
type | name | String | Name of the KR action type |
type | title | String | Title of the JQL type KR actions | Any title |
type | jql | String | Actual JQL added to fetch Jira issues | project = TP AND status = Done (any such JQL) |
| dateTimeFormat | String | Format definition of date fields returned in response. | d/MMM/yy h:mm a |
| dateFormat | String | Format definition of date fields returned in response. | d/MMM/yy |
The sample JSON and Parameter table in above section covers full response and parameters details of KR details API (with Manual mode). Below table and JSON response is separately added to explain Other Key results Progress calculation mode.
Sample JSON response
"progressCalculation": {
"mode": "Other key results",
"aggregateFunction": "All linked key results are done",
"otherKeyResults": [
"id": 350704,
"key": "KR-3",
"keyResultApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/keyresult/350704"
"linkId": 350793,
"key": "TP-10",
"issueId": 10009,
"jiraIssueRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/issue/TP-10"
"id": 350790,
"key": "KR-8",
"keyResultApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/keyresult/350790"
Response parameter details
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
| progressCalculation | Array | This array consists of details about KR progress calculation type | mode |
progressCalculation | mode | String | This defines the selected KR progress calculation mode |
progressCalculation | aggregateFunction | String | This defines the aggregate function for progress calculation of To do KR based on other selected key results |
progressCalculation | otherKeyResults | String | Selected mode of the current KR |
otherKeyResults | id | Number | KR id of the other KR that is linked with current KR | 16171, 2526, etc. |
otherKeyResults | Key | String | KR key of the other KR that is linked with current KR | KR-1245, KR-27282, etc. |
otherKeyResults | keyResultApiUrl | String | API URL of the other KR that is linked with current KR | <baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/keyresult/350704 |
otherKeyResults | linkedId | Number | Jira issue linkedId when any Jira issue is linked with the given other KR linked with current to do KR | 1515, 73738, etc. |
otherKeyResults | key | String | Jira issue key when any Jira issue is linked with the given other KR linked with current to do KR | tp-10, ARN-12, etc. |
otherKeyResults | IssueId | Number | Jira issue id when any Jira issue is linked with the given other KR linked with current to do KR | 1009, 28292, etc. |
otherKeyResults | jiraIssueRestApiUrl | String | Jira issue rest API URL when any Jira issue is linked with the given other KR linked with current to do KR | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/issue/TP-10 |
Sample responses and Parameter details (Metric KR)
Below are sample JSON responses and their parameter details based on the selected progress calculation modes of the Metric KR.
Sample JSON response
"id": 350824,
"key": "KR-31",
"type": {
"id": 0,
"name": "Metric"
"title": "Increase test case automation coverage to 80% in current quarter.",
"description": "",
"keyResultOwner": {
"upRaiseInfo": {
"id": 98136,
"ownerDesignation": {
"id": 901,
"name": "Tester"
"ownerTeams": [
"id": 2802,
"name": "Testing Team"
"id": 2805,
"name": "Attlasian Team"
"id": 2804,
"name": "Product Team"
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"startDate": "19/Mar/24",
"dueDate": "31/Mar/24",
"weightageInPercent": "25.0",
"behavior": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Increase/Decrease"
"originalValue": 0.0,
"targetValue": 100.0,
"currentValue": 0.0,
"progress": {
"percent": 0.0,
"confidenceStatus": {
"id": 1901,
"name": "ON TRACK"
"confidenceScore": 8.0
"progressCalculation": {
"mode": "Manual"
"orderIndex": 0,
"lastPunchedIn": "19/Mar/24 12:57 PM",
"creator": {
"id": 98136,
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"created": "19/Mar/24 12:49 PM",
"modifiedBy": {
"id": 98136,
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"modified": "20/Mar/24 7:07 AM",
"customFields": [
"id": 67,
"name": "Company Name",
"type": "Text field (single line)",
"textValue": "ABC Pvt. Ltd."
"id": 89,
"name": "Business Unit",
"type": "Select list (single choice)",
"option": {
"id": 81,
"name": "Healthcare"
"id": 90,
"name": "Technologies Used",
"type": "Select list (multiple choice)",
"options": [
"id": 85,
"name": "Cypress"
"id": 83,
"name": "Selenium"
"id": 86,
"name": "Playwright"
"id": 81,
"name": "Evaluatee",
"type": "User picker (multiple select)",
"userValues": [
"id": 98136,
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"id": 98147,
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=63da09ac010d35637970cff8"
"id": 88,
"name": "Remarks",
"type": "Text field (multiple line)",
"textValue": "Keep up the progress.\nWell done."
"isAbandoned": false,
"isArchived": false,
"watchers": [
"upRaiseInfo": {
"id": 98136,
"ownerDesignation": {
"id": 901,
"name": "Tester"
"jiraUserRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62"
"parentObjective": {
"id": 131359,
"key": "OBJ-13",
"objectiveApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/objective/131359"
"krActions": [
"linkId": 40409,
"key": "TP-18",
"type": {
"id": 0,
"name": "Jira Issue"
"issueId": 10017,
"jiraIssueRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/issue/TP-18"
"linkId": 40410,
"type": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Jql"
"title": "JQL for tracking Company Directory automation cases completion",
"jql": "project = TP AND status = Done"
"dateTimeFormat": "d/MMM/yy h:mm a",
"dateFormat": "d/MMM/yy"
Response parameters details
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
| id |
| KR id in UpRaise | 12,45,78, etc |
| key |
| KR key in UpRaise | KR-12, KR-45, KR-78, etc |
| type | Array | This Array consists of details about KR types available in UpRaise that is relevant to the given KR id. |
type | id | Number | Key result type id. | 1,2 |
type | name | String | Key result name in UpRaise. |
Currently, APIs do not support for Jira issue KR and Jira issue KR via (JQL). |
| title | String | KR title |
| description | String | Key result description. | This KR is meant to improve our CSAT rate. We will take necessary actions for the same… on. |
| keyResultOwner | Array | This array consists of details about KR owner. |
keyResultOwner | upRaiseInfo | String | This parameter contains user’s information | All the parameters related to user info like id, designation, team, etc. |
upRaiseInfo | id | Number |
| 89. 89, etc. |
upRaiseInfo | ownerDesignation | String | Deatisl of KR owner’s designation |
ownerDesignation | id | Number | KR Owner’s designation id | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
ownerDesignation | name | String | KR Owner’s designation |
upRaiseInfo | ownerTeams | String | KR Owner’s details |
ownerTeams | id | Number | KR owner’s team id | 1, 2023, 26, etc. |
ownerTeams | name | String | KR owner’s team name | Sales, Operations, etc. |
| jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | API URL for Jira user Rest API |
| startDate | String | KR start date |
| endDate | String | KR end date |
| weightageInPercent | Number | KR weightage % | 25%, 50%, etc. |
| behavior | Array | This array consists all details of the current KR’s behavior |
behavior | id | Number | Id of the behavior | 1, 2 |
behavior | name | String | Name of the behavior |
| originalValue | Number | Original value of current metric KR |
| targetValue | Number | Target value of current metric KR |
| currentValue | Number | Current value of current metric KR |
| minTargetValue | Number | Mimimum target value of current metric KR when Maintain behavior is selected | 7, 90, 878, etc. |
| maxTargetValue | Number | Maximum target value of current metric KR when Maintain behavior is selected | 90, 100, etc. |
progress | Array | This array consists of details about KR progress. |
progress | percent | Number | This returns the current progress of the key result. | 10%, 20%, 23.55%, etc. |
percent | confidenceStatus | String | KR confidence status | At risk, On track, etc. |
| id | Number | Confidence status type id in UpRaise | 1,2,3,4,5, etc |
| name | String | Confidence display name in UpRaise |
(First three confidence statuses are customizable and can be anything as per user requirements, last two are system default) |
percent | confidenceScore | Number | Any number from 0-10. Only non-decimal numbers. |
| progressCalculation | Array | This array consists of details about KR progress calculation type | mode |
progressCalculation | mode | String |
| orderIndex |
| Priority of the current key result as compared to other KRs under its parent objective. | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
| lastPunchedIn | Date | Last punch in date of KR | 19/Mar/24 12:57 PM |
| creator | Array | This array consists of details about user who created the KR |
creator | id | Number | UpRaise user id of the the KR creator | 1, 23, etc. |
creator | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira user Rest API URL | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
| created | Date | Date and time when KR is created | 19/Mar/24 12:51 PM |
| modifiedBy | String | This array consists of details about user who modified the KR |
modifiedBy | id | Number | UpRaise user id who modified KR | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
modifiedBy | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira User API URL who modified the KR | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
| modified | Array | Date when KR is modified | 20/Mar/24 7:01 AM |
customFields | Array | This array consists of details about custom fields associated with KR based on the progress calculation set up |
customFields | id |
| Id of the custom field | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
customFields | name |
| Name of the custom field | Story points, time spent, etc. |
customFields | type | String | The type of selected custom field | Type parameter is to define different type of custom fields -
customFields | textValue | String | This shows the actual text values of the text field type custom fields | Any text value in the field |
customFields | numberValue | Number | This shows the actual number values of the number field type custom fields | Any numeric value in the field |
customFields | options | String | Multiple options in case of fields types like multi-select/multi-user | Any text or numeric options under the multi select fields |
options | id | Number | Id of the given options | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
options | name | String | Name of the options |
| isAbandoned | String | This defines whether KR is Abandoned |
| isArchived | String | This defines whether KR is Archived |
| Watchers | Array | This array consists of details about KR watchers |
Watchers | userInfo | String | This consists all details of the user who is watching KR |
userInfo | id | Number | Id of the user who is watching KR | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
watchers | ownerDesignation | String | Details of KR watcher’s designation |
ownerDesignation | id | Number | Designation id of the user who is watching KR | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
ownerDesignation | name | String | Designation of the user who is watching KR |
watchers | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira user API URL of the user who is watchimg KR | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=6327fe4c61dbef2805bb9a62 |
| parentObjective | Array | This object consists all details of the parent objective of the KR |
parentObjective | id | Number | Id of the parent objective | 1, 23415, 2324, 56, etc. |
parentObjective | key | String | UpRaise key of the parent objective | obj-1, obj-2, obj-3, obj-4, etc. |
parentObjective | objectiveApiUrl | String | API URL of the parent objective | <baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/objective/131359 |
| krActions | Array | This array consits all details of the KR actions within current KR |
krActions | linkeid | Number | Jira issue linked id in UpRaise | 1099, 29, 3456, 40412, etc. |
krActions | key | String | Jira issue key | AR-12, PG-1315, etc. |
key | type | String | KR action type |
type | id | Numebr | KR action type id |
type | name | String | Name of the KR action type |
type | title | String | Title of the JQL type KR actions | Any title |
type | jql | String | Actual JQL added to fetch Jira issues | project = TP AND status = Done (any such JQL) |
| dateTimeFormat | String | Format definition of date fields returned in response. | d/MMM/yy h:mm a |
| dateFormat | String | Format definition of date fields returned in response. | d/MMM/yy |
The sample JSON and Parameter table in above section covers full response and parameters details of KR details API (for Metric KR with Manual mode). Below table and JSON response is separately added to explain Jira issue and Other Key results modes of Progress calculation.
Sample JSON response
"progressCalculation": {
"mode": "Jira issues",
"aggregateFunction": "Sum",
"field": "Story point estimate",
"jql": "project = \"TP\" and type = Story ORDER BY created DESC"
Response parameters details
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
| progressCalculation | Array | This array consists of details about KR progress calculation type | mode |
progressCalculation | mode | String | This defines the selected KR progress calculation mode |
progressCalculation | aggregateFunction | String | The selected function of the current KR calculate KR progress based on Jira issues |
progressCalculation | field | String | Custom field selected based on aggregate function. This parameter is applicable only in case of Avegare and Count aggregate fucntions |
progressCalculation | jql | String | This is used to define the JQL that fetches relevant Jira issues for KR progress calculation based on selected aggregate function. | project = \"TP\" and type = Story ORDER BY created DESC |
Sample JSON response
"progressCalculation": {
"mode": "Other key results",
"aggregateFunction": "Sum of current value",
"otherKeyResults": [
"linkId": 350825,
"key": "TP-17",
"issueId": 10016,
"jiraIssueRestApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/api/2/issue/TP-17"
"id": 350827,
"key": "KR-34",
"keyResultApiUrl": "<baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/keyresult/350827"
Response parameters details
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
Parent | Parameter | Type | Description | Possible values |
| progressCalculation | Array | This array consists of details about KR progress calculation type | mode |
progressCalculation | mode | String | This defines the selected KR progress calculation mode |
progressCalculation | aggregateFunction | String | This defines the aggregate function for progress calculation of Metric KR based on selected other key results |
progressCalculation | otherKeyResults | String | Selected mode of the current KR |
otherKeyResults | linkId | Number |
| 1515, 73738, etc. |
otherKeyResults | key | String |
| TOP-10, ARN-12, etc. |
otherKeyResults | issueId | Number |
| 1009, 28292, etc. |
otherKeyResults | jiraIssueRestApiUrl | String |
| <baseURL>/rest/api/2/issue/TP-10 |
otherKeyResults | id | Number | KR id of the other KR that is linked with current KR | 16171, 2526, etc. |
otherKeyResults | key | String | KR key of the other KR that is linked with current KR | KR-1245, KR-27282, etc. |
otherKeyResults | keyResultApiUrl | String | API URL of the other KR that is linked with current KR | <baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/keyresult/350704 |