How do I create, edit & delete key results?

How do I create, edit & delete key results?

Create a key result

You can add key results in objectives that are visible to you as a logged-in user. The key result types are the same for all 3 levels of objectives, as explained here.

Key results can be added from the list view or objective detail page. If the objective is closed you wouldn't see an option to add KRs. 

Create KRs from Objective detail page

Create KRs from list view

Whatever way you choose to create a KR, once clicked on add new key result option, you'd get the pop up to select the KR type as shown in the image below. Read When to use each type of KR - To do, Metric? for more details. 

Edit or delete key result

A user who has permission to edit & delete a key result will see edit & delete actions on objective detail page, in list view on browse OKR page & on KR detail page. Images below show how can you edit or delete KRs from each view.

Edit or delete KRs from objective detail page

Edit or delete KRs from list view

Edit or delete KRs from KR detail page