How to add new profile attribute?

How to add new profile attribute?

UpRaise admins and super admins can define profile attributes in each defined profile section. These profile attributes are completely customizable so that UpRaise admins and super admins can define all the field types and create a required user profile as per organization's requirements. Let us see how to add these attributes. 

  • Navigate to company directory >> profile attribute tab
  • Click on add attribute option.

Add attribute pop up allows adding new attributes to the different sections defined initially. For example, personal information is the section that maintains all the personal information of employees, you need to add different attributes like Date of birth, gender, age, personal phone number, emergency phone number, etc. 

  • 1. Name 

    • Name of attribute. For example, Contact details is one of the attributes in the personal information section.
  • 2. Active/Inactive

    • Admins can decide whether the attribute should be active or inactive in the system. If inactive, It will not be visible on user profiles. 
  • 3. Description

    •  Description of the attribute. Example -  if it's a personal contact number or work phone number.
  • 4. Type

    • Type option allows you to decide what type of date field you want to add. There are four different types of data fields and you can choose one depending on the nature of attribute. Here, We are adding contact details field so the text field with multiple lines will be selected. If it was date of birth, we'd have selected date picker as data field. 

  • 5. Visible to

    • As the user profiles are visible to all UpRaise users, admins and super admins can decide which attribute should be editable to whom.
    • Self - Visible to the user when he looks at own profile.
    • Manager - Visible to user's manager
    • Indirect manager - Visible to any indirect manager.
    • Public - Visible to all active UpRaise users.
  • 6. Editable to

    •  As the user profiles are visible to all UpRaise users. UpRaise admins and super admins can decide which attribute should be editable to whom. 
    • Self - Editable to the user when he looks at own profile.
    • Manager - Editable to user's manager
    • Indirect manager - Editable to any indirect manager
  • Click on create option.

This is how the new section will look like, once the attribute is added to the relevant section on profile attributes page.

The added attribute will also be visible and editable to UpRaise users with sufficient permissions so they can edit or view user profiles.