| | | | |
| dateTimeFormat | String | Format definition of date fields returned in response. | d/MMM/yy h:mm a |
| dateFormat | String | Format definition of date fields returned in response. | d/MMM/yy |
| objective | Object | This object contains all the objective related parameters | |
objective | id | Number | Objective id that was provided in request | 12, 71818, etc. |
objective | key | String | UpRaise key of the objective | Obj-12, Obj-89, etc. |
objective | objectiveApiUrl | String | Objective Rest API URL | <baseURL>/rest/upraise/public/1.0/okr/objective/43513 |
| objectiveGrades | Object | This object contains objective grade relted parameters | gradeBy gradedOn averageGrade remarks gradedModifiedOn
objectiveGrades | gradeBy | String | This parameter contains details of the user who graded the objective | |
gradeBy | id | id | UpRaise Id of the user who graded objective | 1234, 56161, etc. |
gradeBy | jiraUserRestApiUrl | String | Jira UserRest Api Url | <baseURL>/rest/api/2/user?accountId=5fb4a9df0dd553006f342981 |
objectiveGrades | gradedOn | Date | Date when objective was graded | 25/03/24 06:33 AM |
objectiveGrades | averageGrade | Number/String | Average gade are displayed based on the grading type settings in UpRaise that is opinion scale or Radio button | Opinion scale - 0-10 numbers (could be in decimals too) Radio button - Eg. Achieved, Partially acheived, etc.
objectiveGrades | remarks | String | The grading remarks given by user | Example - The team successfully increased MAU by 18% over the quarter, falling slightly short of the 20% target. While the goal wasn't fully met, it's commendable that significant growth was achieved. |
objectiveGrades | gradedModifiedOn | Date | If the grades are modified later on, that date will be retuned here | 27/03/24 06:33 AM |