It does not an end here! Once the form is distributed, admin/HR (whoever distributes the form) would want to keep an eye on the form statuses. They may want to generate some reports by exporting forms or create user-wise report, all of this is possible on the view responses page.
As shown in above image, there are three tabs on the view responses page.
Forms - Displays all the forms in the distribution
Reports - Generate report with the given distribution right away, instead to navigating to reports section
Details - All the distribution details.
As shown in the above image, Forms tab is all about the forms and their information and actions. From this tab, the top char shows the statuses of the forms.
Filters to search for specific set of users.
Plus icon allows to add more user pairs in the ongoing distribution.
Actions (…) beside plus sign has actions like Export to Excel, Start/stop accepting inputs, and extend due date. These options work at the distribution level. Below that, provided is the list of users added in the form like the team member and their reviewers from left to right.
Every form is displayed with its current status, scores, assignee, etc.
Green pencil icon dictates that form is still accepting input. When form is closed, red pencil icon will be displayed and it won’t accept any input.
Actions (…) has options like export to Excel and start/stop accepting input. This will be available for each team member and work at user level only.
View option to open and view individual form.
Actions (…) beside each user row have the option to print the form.
This tab has a 360 report. Clicking on report generates a report for the current distribution. This is a handy way to generate a report instead of navigating to Reports section in the app. Read Reports - Admin guide.
This section is quite self-explanatory. This tab contains all the distribution details added while creating a distribution. A handy way to check the distribution set up.